New Crosshair is awful

I'm opening this threads in hopes of getting feedback from players regarding the new crosshair and firing feedback system.

I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the new crosshairs. It's awful. The size and dynamic response of the crosshair changed significantly, no matter what shape you use. It is extremely difficult to accurately tap and spraying is even worse. It happened on multiple occasions that I was clearly aiming for a headshot on a non-moving target (campers, AFK players...) but the shots were going around the target. Sometimes it feels like the whole shooting and gun play changed, not just the crosshairs. Crossfire had the best crosshair / firing feedback system in a competitive shooter that I have ever tried. Now with this now it just feels like you are shooting in a general location with the hopes of hitting the target. With the previous one you knew exactly where you were shooting. And I'm saying this as a player whose been playing this game for 14 years and 10-15kcumulative hours under my belt.

All in all, the new crosshair update is garbage and we should revert to the old one. I also have a few screenshots of other players complaining about it.
