Double Holidays: Dec 1 - 31

Attention Mercenaries,
Double your happiness this holiday season with double holidays, and enjoy as much as you can!

For the entire month of December, your first ZP recharge of the month will get you 50% Bonus
 plus rewards depending on how much you recharge!

🎉 1st Holiday: 5,000 ZP - 19,999 ZP
Barrett-Krampus 7 Days
D.E-S-Krampus 7 Days
Bulletproof Helmet 7 Days
Protection Vest 7 Days
5 Free Crate Tickets

🎉 2nd Holiday: 20,000 ZP - 99, 999 ZP
Barrett-Krampus 30 Days
D.E-S-Krampus 30 Days
Bulletproof Helmet and Vest 30 Days
10 Free Crate Tickets
PLUS everything from 1st Holiday!

🎉 3rd Holiday: 100,000 ZP or more
Barrett-Krampus 60 Days
D.E-S-Krampus 60 Days
Bulletproof Helmet and Vest 30 Days
20 Free Crate Tickets
PLUS everything from 1st & 2nd Holidays!

🎄 If it's your first time ever purchasing ZP, you will also get:
Change in game name item
5 Free Crate Tickets
Lily 30 Days
SPAS12-Slug-Krampus 30 Days

The season is not finished yet! Players who recharge more than once can receive additional bonus ZP for their accumulated recharge over the month. The more ZP you recharge, the greater the bonuses are depending on your total which is set as below:
🎁 1,000 ZP - 49,999 ZP → 5% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 50,000 ZP - 99,999 ZP → 10% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 100,000 ZP149,999 ZP → 15% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 150,000 ZP - 249,999 ZP → 20% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 250,000 ZP349,999 ZP → 25% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 350,000 ZP449,999 ZP → 30% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 450,000 ZP549,999 ZP → 35% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 550,000 ZP649,999 ZP → 40% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 650,000 ZP749,999 ZP → 45% extra ZP on each recharge 
🎁 750,000 ZP999,999,999 → 50% extra ZP on each recharge 

Each recharge counts! Accumulate your total and contribute to your tier progress in order to reach to top tier for greater bonuses!
Don't forget to note down your progress to see how close you are to unlocking the next tier.

Happy Holidays!
CrossFire Team.
