Improvements to melee
I've been playing melee in this game for more than 10 years and have some suggestions on how to improve it.
1. Remove weapon drawing animation after respawn on FFA. It's not needed in any way and leads to pointless deaths you can do nothing about.
2. Rebalance slash damage, either make axe slash 88 to the head with a helmet or make other slower slashing weapons oneshot to the head for the sake of balance. One weapon being dominant just because of this incosistency is just boring and limits usability of other choices.
3. Fix hit animations on hunting knife and mini doll weapons, animations of the first do not match the damage timings, the latter pretty much doesn't even have any.
4. Introduce the mechanic of increasing the movespeed if the player is aiming at another player+make moving backwards slower than moving forward while holding a melee weapon. This will resolve the issue of players wasting everyone's time by running away from enemies.
5. Fix hit registration on vvip special attacks, it's very inconsistent.
6. Rebalance right click weapons of some weapons like nunchaku, tang sword and scythe, their right clicks oneshotting like dragon blade's do would make more sense and would make them a viable choice. It also would be fair with their extremely low range.
7. Fix player collision so that hits won't go through players without damaging them, players don't get stuck in each other, jumping on a player won't cause you to randomly bounce off them, just dropping on the ground instead.
1. Remove weapon drawing animation after respawn on FFA. It's not needed in any way and leads to pointless deaths you can do nothing about.
2. Rebalance slash damage, either make axe slash 88 to the head with a helmet or make other slower slashing weapons oneshot to the head for the sake of balance. One weapon being dominant just because of this incosistency is just boring and limits usability of other choices.
3. Fix hit animations on hunting knife and mini doll weapons, animations of the first do not match the damage timings, the latter pretty much doesn't even have any.
4. Introduce the mechanic of increasing the movespeed if the player is aiming at another player+make moving backwards slower than moving forward while holding a melee weapon. This will resolve the issue of players wasting everyone's time by running away from enemies.
5. Fix hit registration on vvip special attacks, it's very inconsistent.
6. Rebalance right click weapons of some weapons like nunchaku, tang sword and scythe, their right clicks oneshotting like dragon blade's do would make more sense and would make them a viable choice. It also would be fair with their extremely low range.
7. Fix player collision so that hits won't go through players without damaging them, players don't get stuck in each other, jumping on a player won't cause you to randomly bounce off them, just dropping on the ground instead.
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