The Boo Crew: Oct 27 - 29

Attention Mercenaries,
Halloween is their favorite time of the year, and they came for you! So get ready to meet...The Boo Crew!

Don't miss your chance to save 50% on the 10EA version of these Halloween Crates, which will be available for purchase from October 27th to 29th, in the CF Shop with no limit!

🎃 Halloween Mega Crate
Jack hammer-H Permanent [C]
Gatling Gun-H Permanent [C]
Field Shovel-H

💀 2012 Halloween Event ZP Crate
Mauser Halloween
M4A1-X Halloween
FR-F2 Halloween

👹 Kriss AK Halloween Crate
Kriss Super V-Halloween Permanent[C]
AK 47-Halloween

👻 MP5 Halloween
Halloween MP5[C]

Happy Halloween!
CrossFire Team
