i wanted to suggest you about The Exchange Market to be more often.
For example i have some collections not finished after a crazy amount of money i have put for it
and to be honest i feel like its unfair if i win like the same weapons 3-4 times and dont win that one gun to finish the collection.
Of course i m not the only one who is probably thinking the same.
At least if you put the Exchange Market more often or permanent it will be more enjoyable to no have the same weapon in my storage 2+ times and be useless.
i wanted to suggest you about The Exchange Market to be more often.
For example i have some collections not finished after a crazy amount of money i have put for it
and to be honest i feel like its unfair if i win like the same weapons 3-4 times and dont win that one gun to finish the collection.
Of course i m not the only one who is probably thinking the same.
At least if you put the Exchange Market more often or permanent it will be more enjoyable to no have the same weapon in my storage 2+ times and be useless.
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