Knockdown matches - Give us our kills!

When you play Snd Knockdown matches and you knock down an enemy player, but that player immedially quits, you do not get that counted as a kill. (At least not in the scoreboard in game)

I suggest to count these as a kill. Maybe by forcing the quitting player by confirming his death first.


  • Oh my... Yes please. This is sooo annoying when it's happening. 
  • [MOD]ShadowRo
    edited August 2023
    I'm not a fan of knockdown mode and even less look on score table kills.
    But is interesting, i did not pay attention on players quitting the game to not let enemy count one kill .. LoLz.

    Hm, anyway my point of view : while enemy is down is not technically killed , it still have a chance to be revived - so the game can't count a kill.

    BUT maybe is possible to add a kcnockdown counter, and scoretable will be  : knockdown / kills / death 
    Now when you knockdown a player - will count 1 kdn , and when player die will substract the point from knockdown and add to kills 
    So at the end of the game you can have 10 knockdowns / 5 kills / 5 death ... and if all players you knockdown are quiting then same game score table will be 15 knockdown / 0 kills / 5 death - making each knockdown giving same amount of EXP/GP as 1 kill at the end of the game you won't loose the EXP/GP because enemy players was quitting.
    Gamer since 1997