"ScreenShots From another Version to ban people"

I want To pay attention to smth very important and literally it started to be annoying and unfair the last few months some people started to make photoshops of the screenshots including using someone's IGN from west and using it in other cf version which im trying to mention the illegal versions and i hope my post goes to every gm to pay attention to this carefully those people using out CFWest Igns in those CF versions and insulting in this illegal version then they directly taking screens of it and using some program called "Data Changer" or smth like that which they transfer all the data from this illegal version to CF west files so when they report someone they use those illegal version's screens in west and its not the 1st time to see this type of issues i have reported it many times ago till now and the samething happens and we get the same reply by the gms and the we find out that we get banned for 30 days every month? is this even fair? we pay alot in this game then some annoying people using those illegal screens to ban us? i dont think this must go that way all the time i saw many people suggesting a ban chat or a new banning system to check what the people says in the Game Chat it self and reporting people whose insulting in game just like the hack system report it will be better than the old one so everyone gets what he deserves instead of this unfair bans i hope we find a solution to this
  • IGN Ezio


  • The word "some" is very vague, if you have accurate information, please submit a support ticket.
    Gamer since 1997
  • Everything in the game is logged.

    They don't just ban people "by screeshoots"...if someone send a report of insults to them then they go to that room chat and crosscheck the information/insults on that screen with the logs on their database ,for dobule check before "ban" people.

    They don't accept any photos from phone,or links to websites the screens were uploaded to ..but only the screenshoot/replay itself extracted to zip file,as unlike jpg files  .cfr/.bmp files cannot be edited,and even if they can then still need the original game file when send a report.
  • hhhhhhhhhhh Well Done, it's always like this after you get Banned for an insult come to the forum, for the support to cry you must have Disrespected and insulted someone and you got what you deserved it's WELL DONE this is for you to learn to respect other players without insulting and There is no point in insulting in the Arabic language, for example (ksmk) as I see several players doing because the GMs are also banning insults in Arabic or another language.
    do not Cry. just accept.
    so that the game becomes a better place.