about time for 10 bags

Its years already since we gott bag 5,6 and 7 and now we need more.IF  z8 games still wanna sell garnet ,lapis or citrine we need bag 8,9 and 10.A lot of players may be stopping buy it cause theres not enough bags to put all the vips, not even 10 would be enough, for many players, but would still be an improvement.Thank u.


  • I think you can buy up to 14 bags with zp from game shop.

  • You don't want people running around with a 17 bullet COP.
  • winnnetou
    edited July 2023
    https://forum.z8games.com/discussion/comment/6960761#Comment_6960761 There was an error displaying this embed.

    I think u didnt understood, its not about a 17 bullets cop or 117 bullets cop, its about sales, if i dont get benefits from having 50 vips ill stop spending zp for vips, and not only me, eventually even the wales would stop spending.Last week i saw someone sugesting add more expansions to the storage cause many players have not enough space, a problem thats very similar to the bags one, why would anyone keep getting vips if he can benefit only from 7 of them instead of 8,9 ,10.Also i can use already a 14 bullets cop and i have only 5 pistol vips, i could probably use 16 one if i buy two more, so i dont understand ur thinking, why would be worst a 17 bullets cop than a 16 one?Already can use a 77 bullets tmp or a 167 bullets cbj in mutation modes, why would a 98 bullets tmp or 188 cbj be so worse, not much of a difference for players, the game is already so much pay to win, but could boost z8 profits and thats what really metters, not ur opinion.The point is , what most players think when new vip comes out, well its shiny and nice, but i already have so many nice and shiny vips, so next is :"does it have good and useful perks" , well it does, but wait even if i get it i have to get off the bag another vip that i bough before, maybe i need its perks too, so better not buy anymore if cant use its perks, nice and shiny not enough.

  • Garnet, lapis and citrine will probably sell quite well even without bag 8, 9 and 10.
  • adigagever92
    edited July 2023
    I agree with this.

    I don't think it would hurt or change the game that much to see 'people with 17 bullets cops',the same fear was when they gave the tmp 10'th anniversary to everyone or the evo from ranked honor points - but the game remained the same -neither do would change anything on hmx,as rpk/thompsons doesn't even give bullets ..most probably people would only benefit some crit on zm at the most or whatever.

    All it would do is let people who has many vips,to put more of them is the bags,and they wouldn't feel ripped off for wasting their money a years ago,for their vips to collecting dust today days on their inventory,and not gain any benefit from it only beacuse there is 'limit' in bags slots...

    Personally the first thought people have in mind when see a pre order,or a big sale,or lepis- is "do I even have a place at bags for it"..and then many of them just decide not to spend on it.
  • Totally agree with this one, we should have bag 8,9 and 10. Also it will be very good to have the 2nd Bag Set expansion in Black Friday with 50% discount since I think is very expensive.
  • I agree with Winnetou's opinion. It shouldn't be that hard to add in West atleast bags 8 and 9 since other CF Version has them since a very long time already. Instead of having bags 8 & 9 we had that stupid 7 bags expantion that is totally useless. Same goes for "storage expantion" part. I don't know how coding games works, maybe it's something more than just copy/paste code lines from Vers01 to Vers75. But if possible, i wish they check a look on that aswell and add more space in storage and bags.

    I can understand the fear of "17 COP Bullets" but as Adigagever told it won't change the game that much. Also, no offence but, peoples that are afraid of that are mostly the ones that can't afford a simple ViP Pistol in Black Friday. Technically, they shouldn't even talk about this and let peoples that payes enjoying more their weapons/items. If you're good enough a M16 can win against a ViP M4. An Anaconda can win against a COP/USP ultra speed firerate. Etc, etc. Okay servers are trash but still, i saw countless player easily winning with "ultra bad" weapons against "top tier metas" weapons. Well, this isn't the topic right now so i won't talk more about this and i don't want to start dramas with the typical persons that gonna says "gne gne cfwest is p2w u cant win without 999 bullets in cop/m200/m4vip" bla bla bla. I just wanted to give my point of view about that. 

    -Sorry my english is very bad. I hope it's still understandable enough.