Ribbon Restoration Event

Ribbon Restoration Event, I'm tired of the same ribbons coming from events like mutation week or parkur ribon etc.. the same repeated ribbons are always coming because?.. there are ribbons that never came back from events like crossfire movie and others.. me I strongly suggest a total restoration of ribbons for example every month 1 new old ribbon comes for events including the anniversary ribbons 8 9 10 11 12 13 14.. this way all players who participate in the events will be able to collect the ribbons again this way all players who make an effort can collect them and those who do not complete the events will not have them and this also greatly improves the inventory of ribbons because I believe that the ribbons that many would like to have and do not have them because they do not come again for events.


  • Usually only ribbons listed on annual events and special events are specific for limited events that took place only one time every year.
    * A possibe exception can be "Mode Week Ribbons", those are possible to be obainable twice / year.

    As for other ribbons from one time events, as anniversary ribbons, remain to be seen. 

    Gamer since 1997