Ranked map pool...

So by now im pretty sure the community dont really know what maps they actually want for ranked.

People hated mexico and night market but here we are getting them back into the map pool for ranked they are pretty badly designed for ranked as mexico has so many boxes you can just wallbang and super hard for Black list to even get on a site (you want to push and get choked out from alley ? sure go ahead, want to push mid ? ur already choked and are foced to spam wallbang boxes) and night market is massive so many angles to even hold, ceyhan i mean sites are massive and way to many angles, spammable boxes, people glitching into walls and boxes, ankara 2.0 is worse than 1.0.

compound didnt change to the 2.0 version ontop of that. sure the maps are something new for 1 season but would these maps be good for multiple seasons ? Not really

TLDR; maps can sound good/fun on paper but then once you play them in ranked you start to realize maybe the map isnt so good/fun after all.