S&D Ranked Change Suggestions
This probably won't have any impact, but I can't complain about it if I never tried.. I will explain every suggestion below.
- round time reduced by one minute to 1:30 (maybe even less)
- remove loss protection and make players lose more points after a loss
- CFS Weapons only at the second or third highest ranks with limited AWM spots
I've played from the lowest rank into legend last season (in the last 2 or 3 weeks)
Heres an explanation to why I think the changes are neccessary:
- round time reduced by 1 minute to 1:30 (maybe even less)
At the moment at all ranks that I've played at, the matches look the same: BL play slow and hold angles and the GR push and try to frag the BL players. Players in this game are not patient enough to wait 2 minutes until the BL actually have to push a site. Theres also not enough potential for utility setups and executes as there is in Counterstrike or Valorant. This game is very fast paced and I believe that it should build on that.
Also snipers are way too strong, it would nerf them a bit and players would have to push with them more than now.
- remove loss protection and make players lose more points after a loss
The skill gap in each game on all ranks I've been at is insane.. You have players play smart with good aim and then theres players that do not understand the concept of S&D very well and run around like headless chickens. That's caused by being able to rank up further and further by just being an active player.. No other game makes it this easy to reach a high rank without the neccessary skill like Crossfire does.
- CFS Weapons only at the second or third highest ranks with limited AWM spots
Dont think I have to explain this.. It's obvious
- round time reduced by one minute to 1:30 (maybe even less)
- remove loss protection and make players lose more points after a loss
- CFS Weapons only at the second or third highest ranks with limited AWM spots
I've played from the lowest rank into legend last season (in the last 2 or 3 weeks)
Heres an explanation to why I think the changes are neccessary:
- round time reduced by 1 minute to 1:30 (maybe even less)
At the moment at all ranks that I've played at, the matches look the same: BL play slow and hold angles and the GR push and try to frag the BL players. Players in this game are not patient enough to wait 2 minutes until the BL actually have to push a site. Theres also not enough potential for utility setups and executes as there is in Counterstrike or Valorant. This game is very fast paced and I believe that it should build on that.
Also snipers are way too strong, it would nerf them a bit and players would have to push with them more than now.
- remove loss protection and make players lose more points after a loss
The skill gap in each game on all ranks I've been at is insane.. You have players play smart with good aim and then theres players that do not understand the concept of S&D very well and run around like headless chickens. That's caused by being able to rank up further and further by just being an active player.. No other game makes it this easy to reach a high rank without the neccessary skill like Crossfire does.
- CFS Weapons only at the second or third highest ranks with limited AWM spots
Dont think I have to explain this.. It's obvious
CFS weapons only isnt a clear thing at all if u think its cause people spamming barrets m4 vips etc ur actually a clown im sorry the M4 cfs has 80% wallbang people will just use that instead of m4 vip and if you didnt know snipers are strong due to the maps being complete paper and have so many wallbang spots and m200 and barret has 100% wallbang.
Utility wise there is enough to setup just people dont want to bother learning any good smokes or flashes as most people just prefer to wasting them in spawn ontop of that csgo rounds are 2 minutes. -
you cry too much all weapons are allowed and don't cry because you died of evo or tpm or 9a1 you just died for a better player than you if you can't take it give up and lose points because you are (a bad player) new weapons are in the game to potion new abilities if you can only play with CFs weapons then play with your S&D friends with password alone and have fun playing cs.
you cry too much all weapons are allowed and don't cry because you died of evo or tpm or 9a1 you just died for a better player than you if you can't take it give up and lose points because you are (a bad player) new weapons are in the game to potion new abilities if you can only play with CFs weapons then play with your S&D friends with password alone and have fun playing cs.
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