Create your own ZP box
I want to tell you that they are already implementing this in the game, they are boxes that are not always in the Black Market, but are constantly being added, in which you choose 3 possible prizes. Currently, there are even 2 types of boxes where you can choose which weapon you would like to win. This event runs from March 22 to April 2, and I'll leave the link to the thread here so you can find out everything.
Regards, and see you on the battlefield.
- WhiskeyCFES
they only brought this event because I suggested otherwise nothing would be done and probably another new unicorn box would come..but since not everything is flowers, better weapons could come than the same weapons just with different skins but this is the team that we have currently managing the game and I can't say much because they already banned me for just (speaking the truth) and even removed the topic.. waste of time being content with what you have.
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