ZP Weapon Swap Event

edited July 2024 in Suggestions
Do you have a ZP weapon?
Who Won Rare Item Boxes Spent a lot of zp but don't like the weapon they won? we have the solution that such an event that just like the exchange market is very good the event would be like this every player who has zp weapons earned in zp boxes of rare items could delete the weapon in question and back he would receive 5k zp back this would be very good because that way all players had the chance to get the soldier's package in the store for 5k zp or other packages what do you think about it? are we going to give a UP so that the GMs make it happen?
you could delete as many zp weapons as you wanted and you would get 5k zp back you could buy a zp presonage if you have a lot of weapons to delete or a weapon you really like or you could buy new zp boxes you are interested in.
this would clearly empty a lot of inventories many players would be able to leave their inventory with what they really like instead of weapons they don't like, this would also benefit the game and the weapon earning system as a lot of weapons would be returned to the crates of the black market allowing more players to win unique weapons rare items.
what do you think say in the comments.
