Police on duty at crossfire no Hack Clean Game= 10 k ZP Reward

edited July 25 in Suggestions
Well this ticked is aimed especially at crossfire GMs and z8games but the community can say what they think about it.

I have a very effective solution to put an end to hackers in the game once and for all and the solution is very simple, nobody wants to work for free nobody works for free nowadays and that's why z8games wants to put an end to it once and for all with hackers and make the game cleaner and more enjoyable you should make an investment in the reward requirement as it already exists in other games when you report and manage to ban a hacker you are rewarded for this with very good rewards this could be seen as zp by example. for each hacker that the player reported and was finally banned this player responsible for reporting it is rewarded with 10 k zp for each player that used a hack and was banned this way the game will stay clean because this will motivate more players to focus on reporting the hackers to win the
  10 k zp finally the hackers won't have anywhere to run they won't want to request the players that are banning them in this way the hacking problem ends once and for all I know I'm a genius but. attention this cannot be done anyway you must have a verification system capable and good enough to not be tampered with by hackers this system must verify the location by creating a specific code because if not the same player that reports the hackers could create a fake account to use hacker and report this account on your other account in order to earn the zp with that if this system is effective then everyone was happy and bye bye to the hackers who love crossfire the whole community thanks you and the rankings will be a competitive and pleasant place to play and not torture due to the amount of hackers I hope this ticked is recognized and they give UP so that it reaches -Gms <3 stay with god.


  • Verification at acc creation is a good step but your suggestion will still not work out. The problem is that someone has to work to decide if the reported player is actually hacking or not. With zp option a lot more false reports will be issued and the reviewer are already have difficulties to look into them in timely manner.
    The only alternative i see is to add a zp deposit that will be collected from the reporter in case of false reports...
  • but if you had a software tool capable of doing this automatically, you wouldn't need a z8games proofreader, just the proofreading system, this already happens in other online games like GTA and others where you don't partially need a proofreader because a software tool is already capable of to do it efficiently there are companies able to provide this technology to z8games you just need to check if it is viable or not since hackers look for vulnerabilities in the game with this totally new tool it would be a little impossible at least in the long term this would make life difficult for hackers because would have more work the tool would be able to read the hack history efficiently and would go through several filters to really be sure that the player was hacked for example many of them use hack aimbot... a specific filter for detection of aimbot then a filter for wall hack detection, Fly Hack, no recoil hack, macro hack, fast fire, and others.. once the report passed through these different filters and it was detected for example aimbot and wall hack.. the player should be automatically banned and the player who reported it remonrated with zp for his effort.
    if the report has other hacks for example fly hack and macro and wall and they are detected they will be banned in the same way and the player will be rewarded thus eliminating false reports and giving a long term definitive stop to hackers.
    but the important point this tool or system should have additional security such as the x-code hack detection which is so efficient even today. the protection should be very good z8games will have to invest in it is an investment that will have many positive returns because without hackers more competitive players come to crossfire and with them more zp for z8games anyway everything looks beautiful and wonderful I hope this gets off the ground and happens really, maybe in a few years.. it would be great to be now because the faster it is applied, the more positive results there are on earth
  • AtomAntz
    Answer ✓
    Been here since 2009. Seen many posts about effective solutions. That's 14 years of reading effective solutions.
    Do not hold your breath waiting for one. That is a shame, but it is what it is.
  • If there would be a perfect detection tool, z8 could auto run it for every match being played. So your argument doesnt explain why reports by players are still necessary or if it is still necessary why it should be rewarded with zp.