Improving ZM4

I absolutely love the new ZM4, it's very fun and unique but it has some flaws in my opinion. The first flaw is not having an option to check the collections in-game, I'd like to suggest at least adding them to the H menu along with the boss cards.
The second flaw is how difficult and luck dependent obtaining cards is, and for that I have an idea. How about a system similar to the ZM Ranked cores system, where we can combine 2 or 3 cards and get a completely different card. It can either be completely random or dependent on the rarity of the cards. For an example, if we were to combine a 3 star and a 4 star, we would have a 50% chance to get a 3 star card or a 4 star card. And if we were to combine two 4 star cards, we would 100% get a 4 star card and so on.


  • I agree with what has been said here. I would also add that the rewards for the upcoming zm maps should be something thats brand new and never released already.  I've spent money for my an94 vip and while i might've won the aa-12 buster and p90 wildshot from free crates and free crate tickets, i still spent some money trying to win them. I would take a brand new vip reskin or an actually vip skin like the Briliant/Gilded instead of a vip that I already have or zm weapons that i already own.
  • I agree with both suggestions. But it can't be too easy to upgrade cards either, if everyone get's the cards they want all the time, they will get all the stuff they can get from ZM4 too fast and will stop playing, making the map dead. I am at gold 5 the second round and still haven't even seen a 3star Dr.Bolt yet, even though I have been trying to get one from the reaper area all the time.

    Golden173 said:
    I agree with what has been said here. I would also add that the rewards for the upcoming zm maps should be something thats brand new and never released already.  I've spent money for my an94 vip and while i might've won the aa-12 buster and p90 wildshot from free crates and free crate tickets, i still spent some money trying to win them. I would take a brand new vip reskin or an actually vip skin like the Briliant/Gilded instead of a vip that I already have or zm weapons that i already own.

    Them releasing stuff at a later date, that was exclusive for paying people is nothing strange. Except for true VIP items, everything will probably be released. It's more fair that way to, if you think about it. It lets paying people have the item exclusivly for a time and brag that they have that item. But will also let non paying players get the chance to get the item at a later stage, by luck or hard work.

    Giving out VIP skins for a mode, isn't a good idea, as only the people with just that VIP can use it, which means that it's useless if you don't own that VIP. It would be another thing if the trade system still existed and they could sell it, but as that is never comming back, it's not a good idea. I would prefer new weapons, just so my collection keeps growing.
    JackPain (Sweden)