ZM4 - Onslaught Fortress - Advice and Questions
I both have some advice for those that have problems with the map. I am no expert, but I can atleast share what I have concluded.
The Advice
01 - For those that haven't understood it yet, your map shows what the areas will give you of t he 3 main attributes. Damage, Crit and Hp, just check the icons on the areas.
02 - There is a limit of how much attributes you can get, depending on how much time you have been in the game, check this by pressing H. You will also see other good to know information here.
03 - As there is a attribute limit, it isn't smart to stay in one area too long. And you should really be in the game, from the start, though, with several atleast avarage team members it can work out fine anyway.
04 - To be able to play in the underground water area without drowning, you have to collect 20 suits, so that skill activates.
05 - The best area road to fast and high attributes, seem to be. Start at the big temple area to the north, kill off 2 waves (Only 2) easilly done by standing by the stairs, when the big guy spawns it's time to move. Next go to the area south-west which look like an emptied pool, In this area run around and kill until you have 20 suits and can go to the underground water area. The underground water area is a little bit harder, but you get lots of attribute balls and it generally spawns boss-cards (1-2 stars) a lot. When you have 40 power, 10 crit and 40 hp+, it is time to fight bosses, which you can spawn in whatever area you prefer and have cards for. You can by this time face most 2star bosses solo without problem, but I suggest that you fight some 1 stars until you have the skill Phase Shift.
06 - You get skills by killing bosses and can change which one is active by pressing H and click on the tab which have those skills under it. I say Phase Shift is the best one for facing bosses. It is a mark and teleport skill which also fills your HP when used. Shoot at the boss so it begins to hunt you, press F to mark, while going backwards and firing, when there is around 1 second left on the timer, press F again, to teleport some distance away behind the boss and get some free HP.
07 - Killing a 3star boss and above always gives you a box.
08 - You can teleport to any active boss by pressing TAB for the map and click support under the active boss to the left of the map. You can also do area teleports by clicking the nodes you have opened up by beeing close to them.
09 - There are 2 hard areas with semi-bosses which gives boss-cards and alot of attribute balls. One is North west and one is just south of start. If you have a couple of minutes left until the big-boss spawn, you can fight in this areas to highten your attributes and get som boss-cards for the next time you play.
10 - The big boss spawn when there is 3 min left at the south-eastern most place, but just use teleport. You only need to do 3.000.000 damage to it, to get the 3 star card at the end of the match. I usually just do the damage and then leave and run around until the timer goes out.
Doing this solo, I usually get a little more than a level on the point meter. 2 boxes (for killing two 3star bosses) and a 3 star boss card. Though I bought the package for 200zp which gives you the new shotgun (which is slightly better than the holy-shotgun on this level) and the cap and backpack which gives you a few bonuses. With luck, usually without using revive coins and any first aid. Upping my Hp with Florance zombie-skill and Phase shift.
01 - Are there any special way to get the rare 3star boss cards (the ones that doesn't exist as 1 or 2 star). I only got the green beast in over 20 runs from the big-boss. I want to finish the collection quests.
02 - What's up with the secret area to the far north. The big black ball teleports you to a kind of obstacle course. I only saw the first room, guessing you have to use a combination of Phase- shift and teleport-evade to get through the obstacles. I didn't try as I didn't have phase shift or any speed-buff at the time and then didn't bother going there.
Hello man,I happy to see you back
What I noticed so far on the zm4 mode,is that all of the items can be done in 1 day from the 3-4 stars boss box except the shotgun,for the shotgun need to gain conqueror points,and from a short look at the bar list the sg is the only item from bronze 1 to diamond 10,so the players are basically need to play 3-4 weeks for just an 1 item....there is something called "summon bonus" points,the players are getting conqueror points upon how many times the summoned bosses,so sadly sometimes people need to take that time of the to play solo 2-3 games of 40 minuets and kill regular zombies only and 'farm' 1-2 stars cards,and then basically get a team and "spam lvl *1-2 boss summons". I once get 480 points from 1 game. -
adigagever92 said:Hello man,I happy to see you back
What I noticed so far on the zm4 mode,is that all of the items can be done in 1 day from the 3-4 stars boss box except the shotgun,for the shotgun need to gain conqueror points,and from a short look at the bar list the sg is the only item from bronze 1 to diamond 10,so the players are basically need to play 3-4 weeks for just an 1 item....there is something called "summon bonus" points,the players are getting conqueror points upon how many times the summoned bosses,so sadly sometimes people need to take that time of the to play solo 2-3 games of 40 minuets and kill regular zombies only and 'farm' 1-2 stars cards,and then basically get a team and "spam lvl *1-2 boss summons". I once get 480 points from 1 game.Nice to see a familiar face and nice to be back again.I've mostly played solo up to platinum 3. It seems like Colossus, Zarthan, Ivy, Ashen Taurus and the Doctor are harder to get as 3 star cards. As 4 star cards, all cards seem equally hard to get. Though you can buy them for a low amount of zp which I did, as i had some left from before. I have also come to the conclution that the card spawn rate for 3-4 star cards are higher when there are more players facing a boss.Ucantwin said:Onslaught fortress box 3, 4 and 5 star what does it contains?
i saw it contains weapons pieces and revive tokens and jewelry, what else it contain ?
if u have link of full zm4 rewards i will be grateful ^_^
I have gotten weapon pieces, revive tokens, jewels, clothing (which gives bonuses to char), first aid blue and red, from the 3 star.From the 4 star box I have gotten mostly the same. You also get parts of a 5star card. I don't now about the five star box, as I haven't faced a 5star boss yet.I think you also are supposed to be able to get a permanent p90 WS lv1, but it looks like a lot of work or incredible luck to get one.
JackPain (Sweden) -
Sorry for multi-posting. But as I can't see anyway to edit my first post at this later stage, I have to.An update to my second question. The big black teleport ball seem to randomly move. The 2 places I have seen it is at the absolute north of the map and in the water tunnel between the underground water area and water area, just before big boss. It probably has more spawnpoints. The barn close to the reaper spawn area looks rather suspect.JackPain (Sweden)
levi1980 said:Hey therre first of all thank you for your time and tips still we are baffled by that Bolt 5 and Zaratan 5 cards annyone know what is the way to get them? iw been playing 200 games and still dosnt see those cards..thank you
I haven't even seen a bolt 3 and I am somewhere between 100-200 games in (a few places from getting the shotgun permanent). The only 5 I have gotten is Ivy 5, which I got at a weekend day after fighting several Ivy 4 in a row. It seems the rates for those cards are very low or there is some special way of getting them. I've tried shooting the information blocks (which seem to do nothing), Going to the black-teleport which takes you to a secret area (you have to be 2 players to walk through it), which did nothing. One time I got to another secret area, which looked like a boss room, but there wasn't anyone there and the teleport took you back to the starting area. I only had 30 sec left when I found it, so I might have missed something there.
JackPain (Sweden)
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