That's it, i'm done...

Where shall i begin?

The game got in such a downfall that it simply isn't fun anymore playing it... There are so many issues and with every Patch it gets worse. How shall i put it? There's so much space for improvement that the only way is up. So let's get this party started:

1st: The netcode is a terrible freaking mess. 8.13 tick rate for a shooter? Think again, THINK! 8.13 means the server responds every 123 milliseconds. In a First Person Shooter? Sorry, but no... simply no... that's not how it should be.

Solution to this? Raise the tickrate to 16 at least for 1 Patch and take a look at the feedback of the community.

2nd: I know where every server is located and what it actually is and it's unacceptable that Delta, Foxtrot and South are in reality a database server abused to be a game server. People pump money into the game like crazy and you guys wanna tell me there's no better alternative?

Solution to this? Rent a proper Server that is worthy of its given task.

3rd: Ranking Matches are a terrible mess. No one likes Festival, no one likes how the ban system works currently and no one likes how it goes. You ban the Evo? Ok, people go for 9A, TMP, Slug and more stuff no one wants to play against. You ban the 9A? Again, people grab the Evo and other stuff.

Solution to this? Make Search & Destroy Matches an Arms Deal again or give us the option to ban up to 3 weapons. After all the banned weapons get replaced either way and basically no one who plays it seriously goes into a Ranking Match with just 1 or 2 Bags.

4th: For goodness sake... Bunnyhop sound in Ghost Mode? Whose terrible idea was it? Is it my fault that 70% of the community don't use headphones and play with speakers instead? No. Is it unfair to remove the Bunnyhop sound again? No. Why? Because as a Ghost you have to execute a Bunnyhop first in order to be useful, everything else gets you sprayed down.

Solution to this? Simple: Remove it again and never bring it back, ever.

5th: Hit registration is awful. How are we supposed to play in a "competitive" environment, when the shot you did doesn't register? I've lost countless points in Ranking Matches because of it. You literally shoot someones head, blood's spreading all over him, you get a red crosshair, even the BAM! effect. Suddenly you get killed instead just to realize that you did NO DAMAGE whatsoever.

Solution to this: Improve the netcode, a simple 16 tick rates change should do the trick already.

6th: Why is it that literally EVERYONE gets some fake VIPs like a Barrett, which is annoying enough of itself btw, and gets away with it? I mean sure, you have to motivate new players, but not in such a way to disgrace those who actually paid for their privilege of wielding a real M4 vip or Noble they got with their own Money.

Solution to this? Well, make these weapons temporary at least, so new players get a taste of these weapons and get a motivation of what to do. You get the idea.

There are many more things that can and should be improved to bring CF back to what it was. But for now on these issues are currently the most annoying once and should be fixed, otherwise i don't see a long run time for CF West under the current conditions.

Best regards



  • too long didn't read but the first thing I saw while scrolling down was bring back SND Arms and Deals. I agree with you. 
  • All valid points, but people have been talking about the tick rate since 2010.  With the spaghetti code, engine as old as cs 1.6, and devs who get paid a walmart wage, I don't think upgrading to 16 tick is possible.  The lack of attention to ranked (no map pool changes, honor point changes, or weapon tweaking) is disappointing and shouldn't be very hard to implement but again, I think the underpaid and understaffed dev team has bigger fish to fry.  Alpha/Bravo/Ranked central have been unusable for a lot of NA players (I wish we could play in NA servers but it's deader than disco) because of some tech issues causing latency to double (I'm normally 120 but since late July i've been 250+. Yes I reinstalled, sent z8 my dxdiag file and even restarted my pc).  I've played cf since 2009 and have never seen the game completely crash like it has a couple times in the last 3 or 4 months (servers would go down but never the whole launcher/game).  It does seem like the professional standard at Z8 is going downhill and more issues are being allowed to remain game breaking issues for longer.  It's funny to me that a database cosplaying as a game server is the only one being paid attention to and somewhat maintained.

    All I can say is, vote with your wallet.  Do not give Z8 (more specifically tencent) any money while the game/server are in such a neglected state.

  • You are totally right, but there is something missing in your text.
    Crossfire will die in our generation if some things don't get updated. I'm really disapointed because it's our childhood game, most of us played this of hours and hours. 
  • that game is our childhood love with goods and bads
  • Dude your so right... You said everything i would like to say...
    I'm waiting for these problems to be fixed, otherwise I will not donate to the game anymore. I see no reason to buy weapons for GhostMode which no one play because of Bh sound and absolutely FREE means to reduce the breathing of players who need not only be done for zp, but completely removed from the game. This goes against the MECHANICS of the MODE, making the game completely pointless for most players.

    I hate almost all ranked game maps, who took these maps? For gods sake! Where is Mexico and etc?

    Every game, 8 hit from vip m4a1 and -20dmg. Last 1-4 hit before death = absolutely no dmg. I have 35ping, and i cant do nothing vs less or more ping, everyone is getting almost immortal for me to kill them, did they get 5 hit from me or 10, just naturally no dmg. Dying behind the wall = default game thing... so annoying.

    Every ranked match tmp,a9,scorpion, ebr, qbz and etc, this is not even about VIP's, if someone paid this much for weapon = god with him, but free weapons? They are too op, but if we + to this 0 dmg to almost every player, this comes to a joke. Still somehow got pretty high rank... so far...