Ghost Mode Sound Patch

Hey, i just copied my Ticket but i think i´ve said all i need in this so hope for some positive feedback.

Hello, i´m a Ghost Mode player. I Started playing Crossfire back in 09 with a different account. I´m deeply confused about the changes to Ghostmode and the Jump/ Bunnyhop sounds. Before the update it was sometimes easy and sometimes hard (depends on the ghost) for a good Ghostmode player to Pinpoint the ghosts. But now with the new sounds added it is nearly impossible since you hear jumps all around you and the breath catches up way to late. i dont think that is intentional. I would like to suggest to either lower the jump sounds by a lot or even better reverse them. Maybe do a poll on Discord or even in the Forum. I really lost the sense of playing Crossfire since those sounds appeared in the game. with best regards [Ghost]Dev

Hope my english skills are enough for everyone to understand what i´m trying to say :)
