Recycling Old Content

There are a ton of guns, maps and features from the original game that remained untouched for year and now it's time for a revamp.
  1. Problem: nobody play old ZM maps anymore despite them being so much fun, that's because old ZM maps do not offer Permeant item rewards  like the new ones do.
    Solution A: Introducing new tier crate above crystal "Requires 1 million points" Master/Radiant Where it can contain old but permanent ZM items (M249 Mini Gold, MG3 Liquid Metal, Kris, Dual D.E... etc)
    Solution B: Being able to turn in ZM Crystal crates for either GP, EP or MP 
  2. Problem: Lots of old Temporary ZP guns are not being used/purchased since most of the focus is on permanent/Black Market items.
    Solution: Introducing Arms dealer Ticket. A multi-tier Item that Can be either purchased via EP or MP that grants the user a free ZP weapon from the shop from 3 days and up to 90 days
  3. Problem: A lot of guns are ruining the ranked match experience such as 9A91 and TMP
    Solution: introducing Ranked Elite Mode, Where all players are forced into scrim/esport rules and level up exp is double that of the normal mode putting more emphasis on skill (& also make it available to watch).