CrossFire: Report Card - Sep 20 / Oct 2

Attention Mercenaries,

Studying for exams is stressful. It is hard to stay inspired and keep going. But CrossFire exams are different, because you don't have to study, you just have!

From September 20th to October 2nd we will be evaluating how well you are doing in our yearly Report Card! Check the requirements and start preparing for the tests, because we only want the top mercenaries in our lines!

Obtaining Grade A in 3 or more of the 7 subjects that we are gonna evaluate will grant you the Grade A Student Ribbon! Please keep in mind that all rewards (including the Ribbon) will be delivered in the next 48 hours after finishing the Event.

However, The Grade A Student Ribbon won't be the only reward you can get. You will receive different crates depending on your score in each subject: the higher the score, the more crates you get!


Algebra: Feeling confident with math? Do you think you can add more than your enemies can substract? Prove it in your K/D ratio for up to 10 Hexagon Crates.

Business: In order to win you must also take a risk! Let's see how your ZP portfolio is going for up to 50 Spirit Crates.

Urban Landscapes: How well do you know your CrossFire geography? Can you tell how many steps separate A from B in most maps? Prove your location skills for up to 50 Urban Operation Crates. (Track your progress on each specific map HERE)

Phys.Ed: Have you been training enough for the boss battle? Show your muscle for up to 10 Ronove Crates.

Art of War: A well trained mercenary must have as many kills with a rifle, a grenade, or even with a Rubber Chicken! Master all kind of weapons for up to 15 NeonPink Crates.

Mythology: Are the gods on your side? Get ready to beat hordes of minions like the Spartans did and crown yourself after defeating the boss for up to 50 ZM Special Crate.

Biology: Have you studied the necessary components required to enhance your jumping skills or turn invisible for a time? Mutate your enemies or fight against the infection for up to 15 Horus Crates.

Ready to rock this year's exams? Be careful to not leave all the homework to the last day! See how you are doing in your Report Card.

Study Hard, Play Harder!
CrossFire Team.
