Improve the Mercenary Pass.

Pretty straight forward. Some of the missions are on certain modes that NOONE plays, such as Undercover mode. Some of the rewards you get for completing these missions, for example: Wave mode related items, are completely useless. There are many different modes in Crossfire so i understand we can't all like 100% of the rewards/missions. But 2 hours on a mode that NOONE plays is just absurd.


  • EA]Geralt
    edited August 2022
    I do agree with you that some modes are popular than others, you could rarely find anyone playing WAVE mode nowadays so when there is a contract added that requires you to play in that mode, that could be somewhat annoying because it would literally take hours to find a match, therefore, I think it'd be great to have some sort of a vote before the new contracts come out that has multiple choices of different modes, let's say 3? and the mode with the most vote after a specific amount of time (when the poll ends) is chosen and the new contracts will be in different maps of that chosen mode.

    OR some sort of a check up to the most played modes in past week (or something) and the new contracts will be based on those modes but that basically means that the majority of the contracts will always be Search and Destroy, HMX and ZM. That way, the players will actually enjoy playing those modes and level up in the mercenary pass as well.
  • It actually a great suggestion - if it only was brought up a year ago =(

    There should be a new system of battle pass like in China coming any moment now ,it actually was supposed to be come already at June but then they added another collection for 3 months,I believe the new system should be come now at September patch,I don't think they will make a new 'collection' and length it in another 3-4 months,they lengthed it enough.
  • It actually a great suggestion - if it only was brought up a year ago =(

    There should be a new system of battle pass like in China coming any moment now ,it actually was supposed to be come already at June but then they added another collection for 3 months,I believe the new system should be come now at September patch,I don't think they will make a new 'collection' and length it in another 3-4 months,they lengthed it enough.
    Well,I guess I was wrong

    They just  added few hours ago in cf br 5 more weapons to the current collection 

    Seems like 4 more months for a hope for something new/any features/systems - to come
  • i agree with that , and add a 1 free ticket or 1 coupon to empty space in gp mercenary pass , in monthly mixup you was login and you get everyday reward and you get permanent weapon free ,