yahoo email issues

ok so i have 2 issues sent a ticket support was no help

i have one alt t hat cant verify to get the USP because its a yahoo email

and i have a 2nd account that i cant recover the username bc its a yahoo email i messaged support that i just needed those email sent that i have access to both but they wouldent 

is there a way to get the recovery and verify emails sent to yahoo?


  • 1. you can change email ONLY by support ticket -> account administration -> change email
    If you  can't provide enough correct info required then is not possible and there is no other way.

    2. if you forgot account details , as login ID then is not recoverable, unless you find the email your receive from z8 upon account creation, there are listed all account details you set and is the one time only when you get them.

    from 2009 to 2011 looks like this :
    after 2011 :

    Gamer since 1997