to make Ranked Matches much better

edited July 2022 in Suggestions
i suggest making the ranked matches starting from legend rank this way ..
1- Only GP Chars (SAS - OMOH - Swat) automatically choosen and used with no single equpiment (no smoke helmet - not flash guard - no bullet proof - nothing)
2- Preset Bags only can be used containing an advantage + disadvantage .. (like a sniper bag which is good in long range has a hard use pistol) and here are my suggested bags
(AK - Desert Eagle - Regular Knife) 
(AWM - Thor - Regular Knife)
regular normal type or each weapon
and for sure throwing weapons on ground is forbidden
3- ACE and Rank EXP are given to the most damage dealer not the most kills
try this for 1 season and look how people will like it and come back to CF <3
until u fix the server and solve the macros problem


  • 1) I fully support your point of view, but the Tor pistol.... it's better to replace it with something else 
    2) you can make rating matches with the title of Captain 1 even higher, firstly, there are a lot of cheaters and macros in the game, to which the administration of the game simply turns a blind eye. A high rank will partially remove this taboo, and there will also be no noobs (CD from 0.3 to 1.3) who deliberately or inexperience spoil the game for everyone, there are individual people who increase the rating of matches by creating new accounts and entering them into the sandbox, as well as using software in parallel, thereby promoting a person in the rating, at the moment there are very few such newcomers, but there are some clans that use it despite their titles and purchased VIP
    3) regarding the repair of the server, there can be no question, I do not know what kind of "gurus" are sitting there, who at one time repaired the server for more than six months
  • ''try this for 1 season and look how people will like it and come back to CF 3''

    nobody will come back just cause they limit weapons in ranked