What if Z8 actually made this?

edited April 2022 in Suggestions
I'd love to see some type of mechanism to make people play aggainst others just like Clan wars (wich hasn't had that many people, probably because they can't find it). What I mean is, just like in FIFA, there's divisions. Imagine having rankeds, clan wars wich people can use whatever guns they wish, and then you could play with a registered team and improve divisions, using ESL Rules. By those divisions, the best teams (division 1) would play a tournament among each other to get a specified number of tickets (last 2 teams) to enter in a proper oficial big competition, just like CFS. Then, in the other divisions (let's imagine 20 divisions) people would play just like in a football/soccer league, where they would play aggainst other teams during the month and the 3 teams with least points would get demoted, 3 teams with the most points, promoted and the other ones would stay in the same division.