Suggestion: Additions to Servers in Europe

edited April 2022 in Suggestions

Hello Soldiers,

I think that most CF players realize about how a lot of shots don't register onto players, and many players that are not from Europe do not enjoy the game as much, as there is lower tick servers. This is a BIG problem, as NA servers were doing very well, even as soon as a year ago. Nowadays, NA players and LATAM players have moved to play European servers, for ranked and public matches. Something that low ping players and high ping players want though, is the ability to have better registration with their shots. Many players think that it's the other player who is the problem, if they have ping over 100, they would call them out as a "lagger".
A higher tickrate means that more bullets register in a faster amount of time, so high and low ping players have a even playing field. For example, Crossfire Brazil has a higher tickrate, and they don't face the problems that we have, at all. As a North American player, I cannot tell you how many games I could have won with lower ping. I know that it may be not reading the current situation with Z8Games correctly, but I really think it should happen, as if small improvements like this keep coming, I think more people will come to enjoy the game, and not focus on a basic flaw like this.
Last year, the 64-bit update came out for Windows 10. This helped improve loading times, performance in-game, and performance launching the game. Small improvements like this are more than accepted in the Crossfire community, and with a small improvement like that, a lot more people were happy with it. I understand that changes like this are hard though, and will most likely take time. Why not give our players a even playing field?

LiXR, and the Crossfire community


  • There is no official info about what the current server tickrate is.

    I have asked many times and the kind of responses I get make me feel like I am asking for nuclear launch codes KEKW

    That alone is enough for me to just not bother asking ever again. If they increase it, thank you very much. If not, oh well :peeposhrug: