let's say no to nationalism

edited December 2021 in Suggestions

a complete ban on adding a prefix to a nickname in the form [EG], C*, RU, RUS, IDK, RO,MD, I hasten to remind you that these prefixes do not necessarily mean that this player lives, say, in Russia with the prefix ru, but the fact that he knows the Russian language also applies to other countries / players, and therefore many inadequate players insult only for this prefix
A simple example ShadowRO this nickname means that the player either lives somewhere in Romania or knows one of 2 languages: Moldavian, Romanian, but in his case this is not so and for what purpose at the end only he knows the prefix ro, which is extremely incomprehensible to me and this is not easy a year in which to fight with various equality, I could also send an application for an unacceptable nickname , but I don't want to give him problems
The funny thing is that the administration absolutely considers insults by nationality to be racism, not nationalism, if you have been confused for more than 2 years, then write at least that this is discrimination ...
if it is not clear what has been written, we apologize with the google translator for the misunderstanding


  • [MOD]ShadowRo
    edited December 2021

    From my point of view using the country code on IGN is same thing as wearing a country flag on your jacket, or a country flag stiker on your car ...etc.

    The reason why you decide to wear a country flag on your jacket or on your car it's your own business (as for example i saw many of my friends who like to wear USA flag sticker on their cars even they never been there and bearly speak english, so maybe they just like the flag).

    Anyway, to your knowledge, I live in Romania, and the reason I used RO at the end of IGN more than 10 years ago (yes, I never changed my IGN) was just so I could be more easily recognized by other players from Romania and to be able to speak directly in Romanian language on whispers messages.

    If other players have a problem seeing on a player's IGN abbreviation for a country then it's their problem, and the solution is not to ban the use of country code on IGN (unless it's an offensive word - but the use of offensive words on IGN is prohibited anyway, with or without a country code).

    Gamer since 1997
  • @[MOD]ShadowRo then a rather strange question is why , when a simple greeting in Romanian / Moldovan was followed by the words that you do not understand and ask to speak in English ?

  • [MOD]ShadowRo
    edited December 2021

    You say:
    " this nickname means that the player either lives somewhere in Romania or knows one of 2 languages: Moldavian, Romanian, but in his case this is not so " , you was wrong and i just explain why.
    I not see the problem if a player will greetings in romanian then continue on his own language, of course i will ask him to use english and if he continue on his own language (obviously not romanian and not english) i will just ignore him as i won't understand him anyway.
    Sametime are players who keep ask and talk to you on they own language no matter if you have or not a country code on IGN.
    p.s. Romania and Moldova share same literary language.

    Gamer since 1997