Desert Eagle royal guard
@Zenos9996 said:
where could we get the D. E royal guard. thanksDesert Eagle are issued automatically on storage, like m4a-1, ak-47
all issues of this weapon are pumped for MP, they are earned for completing various daily and weekly missions, as well as for completing in-game tokens like playing in a certain mode several times or killing a small number of opponents, you can also earn MP from ranked matches -
@Zenos9996 said:
where could we get the D. E royal guard. thanks- Click on Storage
- Top right you should find 'Weapon Upgrade'
- Click on it
- Select the D.E Royal Guard
- Click on create weapon
And you should find it in your inventory right after. You could upgrade it all the way up to level 6 (maximum level) using the upgrade kits in the MP shop.
Click on Storage
Top right you should find 'Weapon Upgrade'
Click on it
Select the D.E Royal Guard
Click on create weapon
And you should find it in your inventory right after. You could upgrade it all the way up to level 6 (maximum level) using the upgrade kits in the MP shop.
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