my account got hacked thru my email and nobody cares from the support team

Hi! I recently lost my main account i was playing for 3 years + spent over 500 euros on it due to my email getting leaked and the hacker taking all of my accounts till i managed to change it a bit. I messaged account administration tickets multiple times, getting the same predetermined answer that "the info is incorrect" when im providing you witht THE SAME EMAIL I GOT SENT 1 YEAR AGO TO KEEP MY INFO SAFE JUST IN CASE THIS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SAME INFO EXACTLY !!! THE ONLY THING I DONT KNOW IS THE CURRENT EMAIL HOW WOULD I KNOW THE EMAIL THE HACKER USED TO GET HIS ACCOUNT TO? OR IF HE CHANGED IT? Your rules are completely dumb and they make no sense, i still didn't manage to get in touch with any human from your company, all i face is botted answers and thats it when i provide you with the same info you sent me 1 year ago to my email. please help me fix this and get it back asap!
