Graffitis/Spray Removal

Hello, old player here, just wanted to suggest the removal of in-game graffitis/spray, at least on competitive modes like ranked, i see many players taking advantage of these, they're really buggy as they can spread in the entire wall and you can't even notice any player when any is in front of those buggy graffitis/sprays, i know this game has many issues, hard to solve, due to engine and whatever and i also know that GMs cant really make many of the changes we would like to see, it's pretty much all up to the devs, but, i would like to believe that GMs can somehow simply disable graffitis/sprays at least on ranked matches, maybe even CWs and any other competetitive scenario, i hope they take my words in consideration, hopefully even get an answer. Thank you for your time, if you agree with me, let the GMs know, also, i'm aware that those who make use of these buggy graffitis wont be happy with this, but hey, let's fight for a more healthy game, in the end, we all win.