Do you like electric bicycles? Let's discuss it together


  • I like regular bikes over electric ones for a very simple reason: they are reliable.

    An electric bike with an empty battery is so heavy its unrideable.

    Living in a flat area? Get a fixie

    Living in a hilly area? Get a road bike / gravel

    Some people are into BMX etc. I am mostly interested in commuting / leisure riding.

  • I like them both and also I have them both, and it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I just relax and take the electric one, but when I want to do sport I take the simple one. I use them daily as I don't have a car, and I have insurance for both of them. I have them from simplebikeinsurance and what I like is that when they are saying full coverage it really means full coverage and also I have noticed that they have the most reasonable prices on the market.

  • I dream of having an electric bike and think of installing the motor and battery on my simple bike. IS there someone who already did it? What are your impressions?