Something has to be done regarding AFK players in ZM

It's very common in any public ZM room for a player to join and just stay AFK for the rest of the game with a macro/script constantly pressing jump or change weapons button for them to avoid the AFK detection kicking them out.

It makes playing ZM in a public room such a frustrating experience and a somewhat common sight for someone that d id literally 0 damage throughout out the game to get the reward we worked hard for.


  • everyone has long abandoned this problem, because one of the forum moderators said that the afk bot is not a third-party software.

  • I appreciate you taking time to respond but it's directed towards the wrong end of the problem; after it happens.

    I'm talking about something radical like what was done with blatant cheating like Wallhack Aimbot combination that reduced the sight of these types of cheats considerably.

    To be clearer about the point of this post, the AFK detection system is not enough and this issue is not only limited to ZM per se; not a single HMX room i join does not have at least a couple of bot accounts running keyboard macros to farm growth points and pretty much every single mode that had the Vote kick option removed from it suffers from this.

    I hope you can bring this up to the GM/DEVS although i doubt a change would see the light at this point in the game's life cycle.