Ranked match ban system rework

The system we have now is just flawed and non-functional.
One can choose between many series, but a lot of them just never see play anyway. What was the last time you saw someone banning Mosin Nagant series because people overused it?
I suggest 3 major changes to the system.

  1. The ban system should get the series based on what players have in their bags. Guns which are not current in the ranked lobby should not appear there. This ensures that people ban the right guns instead of something arbitrary, or a random gun taking an important ban slot.

  2. bans should happen team-wise. And not one, but two guns should be banned. Both teams vote individually for a gun they want the enemy team to have banned. This will not affect their own team. This will reduce the abuse of people banning something random because they don't want their gun being banned. Both teams can see what the other team bans, so they can rethink their ban. For example team A has a dedicated AWMer, but they don't want the enemy to snipe. They ban AWM or Barret. Team B sees that snipers are banned, and can ban a sniper aswell, so both teams have a disadvantage.

  3. Replacement guns should not be better than banned guns. They should be equal or worse. Right now people simply abuse the system and ban a gun they want to be replaced. Popular pick is the 9a-91. People ban it just to get a M4 VVIP. This is not the intended feature of banning guns. Nor should banned guns become VVIP. There are a lot of guns similar in design which can be used. For example the M4A1 series can be replaced by a Tar-21. Stat-wise an M4A1 but without additional perks. This ensures that people spend a small piece of their brain on banning guns, instead of going for brainless choices like banning TMPs on Festival, and then having Barrets going haywire.
