[BP Shop]

BP Shop

Today I offer you a suggestion about "A new BP Shop", I hope you like it. I know that not everyone knows that former players know BP Shop u, I shared a suggestion to make this system more functional every 3 months a different weapon or item will be better to arrive.

How do I earn BP?

  • Spent every 10,000 ZP
  • You will earn 1,000 BP of Shop Points.


  • Sure, if they're going to refund me back the 100k BP I had to waste when they decided to scrap the system, I'd be down to bring it back.

  • It looks really good. I can only remind you that a store that has stable support gets more customers. I'm not talking about chatbots right now (which is very annoying by the way). I'm talking about classic online support or a few people for online sales. You can see the terms of such hiring and details yourself, read this post here. The choice is always yours but I can say that outsourcing is never superfluous in an online store.

  • Haha, they had this before they introduced the VVIP system.

    You could purchase the M16A2, M4A1-S Silver and AK47-Silver permanently for 4500/6900/8900 BP respectively before 2010. I would say that the recent rendition of this would be EP since they previously gave it away, but it looks like that's now restricted down to the mercenary/battle passes. Considering this game's vast amount of weapons, it would be nice if they had a weekly rotation of items instead of trying to construe these sales as an "event".