CrossFireHD an entire new game? (China)

edited June 2021 in CrossFire Barracks

I have seen gameplay of CrossFireHD, which is playable in China. I wonder if it's an entire new game, meaning I would have to start from scratch again if it's released in the West? Or would it be simply an update?


  • I just tried to search for that "cfhd" by Russian guide a friend sent to me.

    In a nutshell .

    Cf hd is a total mess.
    Need to down load client -which contains million ju.nk files ,Chinese browsers,and lots of other commercial stuff in Chinese.
    Then need to download proxy(vpn),because there is a ping limit on servers and other restrictions on the game ,which is risky if after play on it you go back to cf1 and forget to turn off the vpn.
    Then there is still no "room selection" feature in the game,so need to close the game and open all over again after every single match.

    Better off wait for a global release ,with a much smaller client size without commercial stuff and in understandable language,without requirements like "national passport/phone" for registrar account,without the need to 3rd party proggrams,and once the game fully functioning with stable fundamentals/servers/rooms etc'

  • The cannot afford to make the new cf from scratch.
    If it will be an entirely new game it will fail because noone will choose it over the classic with all their guns. Even if it will have own crates andd VVIPS, noone will rebuy them.
    It should atleast if not possible, compensate players for all their guns. For example if I own M14EBR camo, I will get a pendant to it from the game.
    But ideally it will let us transfer accounts or sync them. Or simply allow crossplay. This would be the ultimate way and make the game succeed. People who like it play the HD but people who cannot or don't want to stay on classic but play with HD.