Trademarket - for duplicates!


I would like to suggest a version for a trademarket.
A lot of users are wishing for a chance to trade weapons, just like myself, but the main problem would probably be the possibility of abuse due to multiple accounts/bots.
In the following I will present two options I thought about on how we could be able to trade weapons.

First of all, my take on how to prevent the previously mentioned abuse (or at least limit it / slim it down):
Each trade will cost ZP for EACH party. Just a small amount (500 or 1.000ZP per trade). This low amount can easily be achieved by leveling the mercenary pass each month, so no one would be forced to invest money to trade. Additionaly the origin of the gun has to be the same, meaning that you could only trade ZP guns for other ZP guns, GP guns for GP guns. I personally would exclude VIP guns from this.
The most important part to slim down bots: Only duplicates can be traded! I myself won 5 MP5-Halloweens so far this month due to the free crates - which I obviously have no use for. I would like to be able to trade them with people that do not own them.

Suggestion 1: Private Trades.
You can only trade with people directly. No "market". Using this as an addition to the "Message"-System would be my take on this. It would also ensure the trade goes to the person you want.

Suggestion 2: Market
Opening a market where people can put up an offer (which costs the previously stated amount of ZP). Setting up the offer would cost the ZP for one person, accepting the trade would charge the second person.
E.g. opening a "public" trade where you offer your gun and state which weapon you want in exchange for it. Keep in mind: only duplicates can be traded by BOTH parties!

What do you think about it? What's your opinion on trading guns you have as duplicates?

If anything stated above is unclear please just ask, I will gladly specify :)

EDIT: Idea from Utmost to prevent abuse: Make 2-step authentification mandatory to use the market