CF West Event

I was thinking about it for quite a time that with the coming of CF Europe and Español versions, there should be an event to commemorate such remarkable step to make CF West more prominent.

Make an event where players can join either NA Faction, EU Faction or ES Faction and set an achievable, healthy and competitive goal for each faction to compete against each other. I know CF EU and ES has less players than NA so it would be bit unfair for them but you should design an event where quantity doesn't work/matter.

That would be an awesome and interesting event to participate, at least for me. If you make a ribbon for each version to collect as an additional event reward then that would be double awesome.

Lastly, kindly add some GP crates from CF EU/ES to this CF west to let us burn our GP (increase GP BM win rates though).

EDIT: I just noticed my post count has now reached 1000 milestone so there should definitely be an event for CF West.