MSG90 buff

Hey all! Been a few years since I've played but I just hopped on last weekend and got some time in. Well just today I was fortunate enough (I guess) to win the MSG90 permanent weapon out of the GP crate section, and I must say it is awful in every way. This weapon has no selling point! Not to say that create weapons SHOULD be more powerful than otherwise common shop bought weapons, but the newer SR-99 outclasses the MSG90 in every way possible. The accuracy on the MSG90 is horrendous, even while crouching, the damage is on par with the SR-99 for all applicable reasons, the magazine capacity is insanely low for the firing rate (which is also on par or maybe a little faster than the SR-99 but isn't worth noting due to horrible accuracy and tendency to very quickly run dry)

This gun has no reason to even be tried for, and no real redeeming factors. Maybe at the time of its release it was the only/one of the only semi auto snipers, but now it has been left in the dust by a store-bought gun.