Improve [Anti AFK] System

Hey everyone,
I know there's an [Anti AFK] tool implemented in the game and it's what kick us out for idling for a while without making any kind of movement. But everyone knows that there's a couple ways to bypass that tool and fool the system, and for the sake that there might be players reading this doesn't know how.. I won't talk about it.

My suggestion here is to make improvements on the [Anti AFK] tool and make it to kick out the user for standing in the same spot for a while (like 90 sec. or something) even if the user is shooting, jumping or crouching in spot. And that's about it, this tweak in the system will do much good for this game.

I know this suggestion will make a lot of players mad and I'll be getting a lot of hate, but it's for the greater good of all the player base, because it's not fair at all how lot of players farm [events / ribbons / badges / achievements / etc.] by simply "again.. won't talk about it" being in a non-legit way AFK, while other 100% legit players need to find the time to do those things.

Please feel free to discuss this suggestion and give your feedback, and don't forget to vote :)