Hardware Address Ban ~


"Not sure what to say here, title is self-explanatory, but let me walk you through anyway"

Lot of cheaters been around lately since Support Team been busy with a lot going on their plate these days. However every time we report a cheater and he gets banned, the cheater just make a new account
'if he's not already got a few low rank accounts to be ready to cheat again once he get banned',
and there's no limit to account creation per 'IP Address' or 'Hardware Address'.

So why keep going in this loop! 'cheater, report, ban, cheater again, report again, ban again, again, again, again, etc...' to no end.

Here's my suggestion: why not ban them by their 'Hardware Address', that way everyone will be forced not to cheat since he can't play anymore once he get banned for cheating 'well.. only way is to buy a new PC/Laptop'.
If this is too harsh in your opinion.. you can come up with something similar and less harsh.

~ Got some similar but less harsh punishments, but i don't think a cheater deserve that.. a permanent hardware address ban is the way to those who been really cheating using 3rd party hacking programs and been caught red handed with evidence.