GM winter tourny - 12pm EST

Jan 3-4 2015.

A screen shot must be taken while looking towards the enemy spawn and holding tab when the game starts . Don't be a nab, you are here because you play gm and will have an idea where the enemy spawn is.

You can use what ever screen catpure software you want , the built-in one works just fine . ( hit PrtSc to take a ss) any modified screen shots will result in the dq of the player IF it was during the first match. After that the team will get dq'd. Same goes with sketchy players . If a replay is reviewed and a player is found too suspicious to be allowed to continue they will be dq'd in the first round. If the player is questioned and found guilty of cheating playing against a later team , the whole team will be dq'd. I hope you all know and trust your teammates.

All match scores must be tracked with SS. Have someone save the replays whether there were issues or not.

Jan 3: 12pm

Jan 4: 12pm (finals)

Spectators: Only an over watcher can spectate.

Prizes for starters:

20k each for first place.

std 5v5, 3 subs.

Map rotation:


Each team takes off a map until two remain. One team gets to choose map from the remaining two and the other team gets to choose bl or gr first.

7 round games. Higher number of won rounds wins the map.

If a tie happens and 1 win 1 loss Ie (1-1-1) Lab will be the 4th map.

If a sub is needed they will replace that player for rest of the tourney. We want balanced players, not a team to pick 5 gr and 5 bl.

Dc : if a player disconnects from the game completely a sub can take over and give up the spot for the return of the main . If this happens a ss must be provided.
Or they can simply chose the sub to take over.

Client errors: if you get one , take a ss. Rejoin the game , if this somehow gets abused to get some extra picks a round will be lost.
No vips can be equiped on players.

VIPS: No one playing shall have them equipped.

BL Weapons:
All axes.
All knives.

GR Weapons:
Melees stated above.

Primary weapons:


All gp item shop rifles
Silenced M4A1's except the ones with 100% wall bang or faster reload.
Example: m4 custom and m4 E are allowed.







No machine guns.


GP and FP only

Throwing weapons:
No coloured smoke, no wide nades.

Only items allowed:
Breathe down, expand nade slot, rapid.

Gp male Charactors only.
I would never hear the end of it if a team won with a spop -.-

Server fox5

Ping cap: 600 ping for the team.

This should allow most uk or br teams to join up as well, if you are over just pm me your team name and where you are from and I can add you or pick up a NA player for a 5th. Keep your subs in mind when making the team.
Reason for this? Lagging and tanking all over the map is not enjoyable nor competitive.
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