M14EBR-Prime, AWM Invictus, D.E-Canadian Only available in EP shop for Insane Prices.


Since the mercenary pass, it's hard to gain Event Point. Especially if you don't buy the merc pass every month. There is also no other event points event, which is sad.

If I don't buy the VIP merc pass, I can only gain 20 000 EP per month. So I can only buy 20 crates per month. The chances of winning are so incredibly low.
I spend more than 350K EP and won nothing from it. How am I ever gonna complete this collection?

It makes it incredibly hard to finish the "CF WEST EXCLUSIVE" collection.

From time to time you can buy 10 ZP crates for 1000EP, why isn't it possible for the old GP crates for the "CF WEST EXCLUSIVE" collection?

My Suggestion:
Do more EP events, or just lower the price for the crates.
1000 EP for 10 crates.

Let me know what you think.
