Leprechauns vs Bunnies Clash - April 2 to 25

[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"540","width":"960","src":"https:\/\/z8games.akamaized.net\/cfna\/web\/main\/Forum\/210324_cfwe_weekendparty_forum.jpg"}[/IMG2]Attention Mercenaries,

Prepare yourselves to participate in the most unexpected clash of the year!
The forces of the Easter Bunny are going to retake the place in the Holiday's Calendar that Leprechauns are trying to take!
Have you seen Chocolate Eggs already this year? Look twice because they might have clovers inside,
Or maybe if you find the Golden Pot it will only have glittering wrapping foil to distract the enemy.

Anyway, the most important part of this encounter is that every weekend from April 2nd to 25th, our always reliable Weekend Party will have bonuses and crates as usual, but one extra question to think of: Who do you think will win this clash?

While the Bunnies are searching for 4 Leaf Clovers and the Leprechauns look for Chocolate Eggs, you will enjoy a 200% EXP/GP boost all day long!

And extra 1200% EXP/GP during the moment the clash reaches its highest point! (Remember it's server time):
12:00am - 1:00am
6:00am - 7:00am
12:00pm - 1:00pm
6:00pm - 7:00pm

However, you better not spend too much time just staring, pick a side and join the battle for crates! Play for 2 hours each weekend to receive St. Pattys Crates, keep participating on the clash during more weekends for even more crates!

1 Weekend: 3 St. Pattys Crates
2 Weekends: 9 St. Pattys Crates
3 Weekends: 15 St. Pattys Crates
4 Weekends: 21 St. Pattys Crates

Pick a side and don't worry about the rest, either finding clovers or eggs, your prize is guaranteed.

Check your progress HERE

See you at the battlefield,
-CrossFire Team

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