
Disclaimer: As my forum thread has been closed since Wednesday, I have not been able to respond to any further inquiries aside from the great people who have reached out to me through my personal discord which is 0kiki0#8158. I wish to leave in good grace with the community, and I wish to cease producing any sort of drama going forward. This will be my final thoughts about my experience with Crossfire and last post on what has happened. I am so sorry for involving so many people, and I understand that some people are upset about the way that I have handled things. For that, I am extremely sorry and I hope that you can still afford me the kindness to listen to what I have to say. I will keep everything I am saying as civil as possible, and if there are any ToS violations, please simply censor what needs to be removed or lock the thread instead of taking down everything I have posted. I appreciate that my previous discussion thread remains intact, and I hope that people will be able to reference other people’s valuable opinions on the matter. In this thread, I aim to cover my entire experience with Crossfire from the very beginning, and it will very likely be one of the longest things I have ever written. Please try to bear with me, and feel free to skip any information that is not of interest to you. In no way am I trying to garner any sort of sympathy toward myself, I am just writing down all of my thoughts in as organized of a manner as possible and reliving the many good times I had.
  1. Introduction: Who I am, what this is.
    1. My name is Kevin, I am 22 years old, and I have been playing this game since around 2010. My IGN was 2kiki2, and the account that I am posting this from is my original account that I made when first playing this game. I love Crossfire and have been playing for more than 11 years. I have made countless friends through this game and have had an unbelievable time meeting both new and old players. I will not lie that it is still one of my favourite games to date, and I have had a hard time finding anything even remotely comparable. I simply want to reminisce about all of the good times that I have had throughout Crossfire’s history. I am not expecting what I am writing to change anyone’s opinions, I am simply writing it out of love for the game and to make peace with the fact that I will be parting ways with this game after so long. This is my profile for those of you who have not seen me before.
  2. Part 1: The Beginning (2010-2012)
    1. If there are any details that are inconsistent or do not make sense, please try to understand that I am trying to retell information that has happened over a decade ago and I may not remember entirely what happened back then.
    2. All the way back in 2010 when I first started playing Crossfire, it was one of the greatest and most popular games I have ever played. My brother had introduced me to this game, and he is the one who originally founded my clan Corona, which was previously called FairyTail a very long time ago. His IGN was freddyfish, and we used TeamSpeak 3 to talk to our clanmates. The game at the time was super popular, and we’d be doing clan wars and events regularly. I’ll never forget how much fun it was at the time to hop on TS3 and just hang out with friends while playing a game we all loved. Ever since I think about 2011-2012ish, we relabelled the clan as Corona, referring to the part of the sun. We have occasionally been mislabeled as some sort of edgy group of people who are making a joke out of the current situation, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have been Corona for so long and have had so many good times under that name, that it would have been so sad to be forced to change it due to the very unfortunate circumstances within the past year. There were many jokes about us being sponsored by the beer company, and it was such a blast playing with my friends back then.
    3. I loved FPS games growing up as a kid. I played so many games back then such as A.V.A., Combat Arms, Tribes, etc. None of them have had as much of a lasting impact on me as Crossfire, and I don’t think any of them have come close to the success that Crossfire has seen. I still remember when people would call you out for using an “OP” weapon like the Scar Light or the Kriss Super V. It was so tough to get cool weapons back then, and I didn’t have a lot of cash to splash on the game so I had to stick with the good old M4A1 and some other solid GP guns. It used to be so hard to get GP back then that I had to remake a new account (which is now known as 2kiki2) after spending all of my GP on repairing and then rolling crates and buying an M9. I remember when ZM was so hard that you’d basically have to have revive tokens to run maps like Biohazard on Normal or risk getting absolutely destroyed by the boss. I remember when we had dog tags that you had to collect for a measly 5 Deagle Scope crates or a 30 Day XM1014-Adv. I remember when mutation mode on Port was all the hype and bringing in my default M60 with 100/300 rounds was such a good time. Holding that ramp on A site was absolutely legendary. I remember when I first started putting money into the game and managed to get myself the permanent Combat Axe-BC and M4A1-Custom from exchanging coupons. I remember when Deagle Camo was one of the best pistols in the game. It was such a different experience playing the game back then compared to how it is now, and now looking back, those days are probably some of the most memorable times in my entire life. I still have an unbelievable amount of nostalgia for this game, and maybe that is one of the reasons that I have stuck with it for so long.
  3. Part 2: The Middle (2013-2019)
    1. Going forward, people in the clan gradually started to lose interest in the game and began to leave and play other things. I still greatly enjoyed the game, and my brother decided to give me the position of leader of the clan, as I was still playing this game on a regular basis. I managed to get some of my IRL friends to play this game, and recruited some really great people into our clan. The game was always so fun to play with friends, and I think that without them, I wouldn’t be playing this game at all. Of course, there were periods of time that I took breaks for others games that I played. This game was never the only game that I played, simply the one that I had played for the longest. I played with these people for a few years before eventually they moved on as well. I will never forget the time that I spent with them and all of the good memories we made. I had replays of matches with them, but it appears that the one of the updates to the replay system has led to nearly all of my previous replays being inaccessible.
    2. As I grew older alongside the game, I occasionally thought about the idea of applying to be a mod or even applying for a position at Smilegate West once I graduated. I truly loved this game so much, and it was such an integral part of my life at that point that I wanted to start getting more involved in the community. I unfortunately realized a bit too late that they had hosted an event at EGLX and I had missed it. In hopes of meeting the GMs in person and participating in a community event, I volunteered at the next EGLX event. Unfortunately, they did not return for a consecutive time, but I still heard one of the Crossfire themes playing on the overhead speakers a few times and it really felt special to me. I wish that I had the opportunity to meet them in person just to say hi and make some friends within the crossfire community. I was at 72 ribbons on my account as of posting this, and having that extra one for attending an offline event would have been the last ribbon I needed to hit that 75 ribbon count for the AK-47 Goldmine. I was going to just get the other 2 from the level 40 Mercenary Pass ribbon and the Premium Pass ribbon.
    3. Around this time, I had some money saved up so I started to buy VIP weapons. They were super fun to use, and I know that some people will say this game went downhill after the inclusion of VIPs which are P2W and whatnot, but I still think that if you’re decent enough at the game, you can still destroy everyone with the basic AK-47. VIPs do not inherently give you skill, only some slight advantages that have been easier to obtain as a F2P through systems such as the ranked honour rewards. The M4A1-XS-Noble Silver has full wall bang if you don’t already know, so make sure to pick that one up ASAP if you don’t have it as a F2P. This is the first forum post I made back in 2014 when I bought the RPK. It was such a good weapon at that time to use in Mutation Mode, and even though it’s not that great of a weapon anymore, I still sometimes used it just for the nostalgia.
    4. I was stockpiling crates as hard as I could while I waited for a new coupon rotation so that I could open up the literal hundreds to over a thousand crates and instantly get everything and start waiting again. I managed to purchase nearly every coupon rotation once I started doing this, and that has been my strategy ever since. Crate luck has been the bane of my existence, so I never really bought any substantial amount and instead decided to do as many crate events as possible.
    5. I started to get slightly more involved in the community, and I participated in a bunch of different GM Livestream events where I was fortunate enough to win their Twitch raffle twice within a short timespan. I got a couple crates and was even given a permanent APR-338-Zephyr from those events. I think those events were absolutely great and should absolutely make a comeback in the future. They livestreamed the entire event on Twitch and the GMs interacted with the community via the chat. It was great to be able to put a face behind a name, and in my opinion, it was one of the best recurring community events. They opened up some crates during the livestream and then raffled away any winnings to the chat. The current GM Play events held through discord are a far cry from what once was the GM Livestreams.
  4. Part 3: The Ending (2020-2021)
    1. During the last year or so, I made so many good friends on Crossfire from around the world who I still talk to today. It was harder to find other likeminded people to play with, and the game’s popularity has undeniably been on the decline. Nonetheless, I kept playing and doing events and having a blast with the people I met. I held a clan wide event and gave away a 10K ZP prize pool to the person who could perform best in the Kahoot quiz that I made. It was so much fun. I was more determined to get my ribbons, and I made sure to try and get as many as I possibly could. This past year has probably been one of the most active times for our clan in a long while, and I am so happy to see that there are still other extremely dedicated players who have stuck with this game for so long. I had the fortune of meeting an extremely nice person who happened to make videos, and they made a little video about some of our adventures in Crossfire. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to link a YouTube video, but here it is in case you’re interested.
      I don’t think there is any real offensive content in the video, and it was mainly made for fun. If linking this is not allowed, please simply remove the link and do not delete the entire post.
    2. I ended up participating in the Crossfire Halloween Creative Contest last year, as I had a bit more free time and I wanted to really start interacting with the community more. One of my good friends also decided to participate in this contest as well, and he was able to get second place in the Art category. I managed to get second place with my costume submission, and I also entered a pumpkin carving as well. If you’re interested, here’s a link to my submissions.
      I would still love to see the other winners’ submissions and I don’t quite understand why they weren’t posted publicly this year.
    3. Since around the end of last year to about now, my interest in the game has gradually started to decline as well. I have been having fun with those same friends in a couple of different games. I have only really been playing CF during events and on the weekends for more of those tasty crates and EP. As of writing, I still have so much stuff on the account that I only wish I could give away after I am gone. I have over 12M GP, 50K ZP, 600k EP, and a bunch of crates that I didn’t open. I still do want to do a giveaway with the last bit of ZP that I had saved. I loaded up my Openbucks wallet to pay for my ZP every month, so I still have some residual money in there that I can’t do anything with. I didn’t load any additional funds, and I am not trying to bribe anyone here. I genuinely just don’t want it to go to waste. I kind of want to run the Kahoot quiz I made for my own clan again but open to the community so that we can have one last good time together. Let me know if something like this can be organized.
    4. I’ll try not to discuss what happened recently too much here, as that is not exactly the main focus. This thread is just meant to be me publicly sharing my own experience as a long-time player, and if you would like to know more about what happened, please refer to the other thread linked below.
  5. Closing words
    1. If you have read through my entire story, I cannot express my gratitude. All I ever wanted was to be a part of this community, and the people who have responded to my post and shared their valuable opinions have my utmost respect. Thank you for everything that this game has given me. I truly believe that Crossfire has changed my life, and without it I would not be the person that I am today. To the people who I have spoken to, thank you so much for your support and kind words. People like you are the reason that I played this game for so long. I only wish that we could have met under different circumstances, and it is so sad to be leaving in the way that I am. I am truly sorry for everything that has happened. I tried to be as civil and transparent as I could throughout everything I did. Ultimately, I crossed the line one too many times and it resulted in me getting deservedly kicked from the server. I honestly still don’t know how else I could have handled this situation, as I was in an extremely bad state of mind and it felt like I was being ignored. I hope you can understand why I reacted the way that I did, and I know that it does not excuse it. I apologize to all of those who I messaged about this situation, as I never meant to pressure anyone into taking part in this. I strictly wanted to improve visibility on the situation. I did not mean for people to get hurt from this, and I don’t want to see other people risking themselves for me going forward. I don’t care about my account at this point. I have accepted the fact that I will remain banned. I will not be continuing to play this game anymore, and I am finally moving on like so many others have told me to do even though it pains me an indescribable amount to say so. I simply would like to ask for transparency from the GMs going forward. I am not afraid to admit that I very well could have been wrong about what I was banned for, and that is simply a testament to how much the system is flawed. If I have truly misrepresented the situation or accused any GM of doing something they didn’t do, I cannot express how sorry I am. As of writing this, I genuinely believe that I have not done anything against ToS to warrant a permanent ban like this. I made my entire case around the information that I was given from the GMs themselves. Suddenly after days of silence, I was officially informed via my previous thread that the ban wasn’t just related to the Gatling incident. Why did they not just say that the first place? The initial ticket itself listed the reason for my ban as Macro/Third Party Program, so of course I would correlate what happened to me to the reason they gave me for my ban. If it’s possible, I would like to privately see exactly what I actually got banned for through the ticket system. I put in another ticket as of Wednesday with this same inquiry, and I have received another extremely canned and vague answer that I have “Violated their Terms of service and Game Policies” and that they “will not respond to any further requests regarding the same issue”. I am not being provided any further information on what this other thing I am being accused of is, and I have nowhere else to ask about it. Without providing any sort of proof for my ban, I could only make assumptions based on what little information they have told me and from my own perspective of the events that occurred. My emotions got the best of me, and I took things to the extreme. This entire situation could have been entirely avoided if I was simply provided proof of my violation of ToS in the support tickets I sent, and that is something that I hope will be addressed going forward. I understand that what I am asking for may not necessarily be possible due to any number of reasons, but please consider discussing this in the future as it is so important for maintaining a healthy player base. I think transparency about this sort of thing is a critical part of building trust between the community and the GMs. If it comes out that I’ve been a fraud this whole time, then I give my sincerest apologies to the entire community. I have not meant to deceive any of you in any way. I have previously stated that if there is concrete evidence of what I did, I would personally delete my account, and I still stand by that statement. I don’t think that what has happened to me, or will happen to me should affect the outcome of this discussion. There is a very clear path forward from here, and I think that it would benefit everyone if this sort of transparency from the GMs side was available to us. I have communicated with people who have said ban appeals do not work because people flood the system with false appeals. This could be entirely avoided in the future if the proof behind the provided ban reasons were supplied to those players. If anything I have said here makes any sense to you, please consider making a suggestion through the official channels about transparency from the GMs. That is all I can realistically ask for at this point.
      Please do not do anything that may result in your account(s) being restricted whether that be through Discord, the forums, or in-game. I wish you all the best in the future, and thank you all again for listening to what I had to say. I have always loved Crossfire, and I hope that my story has resonated with some of you. This is my final goodbye, but I will still try to respond to any inquiries in the comments. If there is anything that requires my attention and I have not responded, you can contact me directly through discord.


  • Goodbye, Crossfire has lost their most loyal player. The world sees everything. <3
  • The reason most people still play this game is purely off of memories. Sad reality is, those good times from the past are there to stay. You cannot relive them in the present time, you’re just stuck in a nostalgia loop. To be frank, the more you play in the present, the less you appreciate the past. A good friend of mine who used to play CF with me back in elementary school recently passed away, and I got this small urge to update the game and play but like I said, it’s an attempt to relive the past but obviously it won’t bring him back. Your best bet is to move on and even take a break from your computer if you need to. Good luck.
  • tldr.. jk sorry my man, unfortunately each of account is just another number in their spreadsheets, doesn't matter how much we play /spent. Just move on and don't look back at this. You'll be fine, it's just a game. The good memories you got out of this is what mattered most.
  • This whole thing makes me so angry.

    Like you, I also got into this game a decade ago. The game was very popular back then, and sadly it isn’t anymore, not even close. I mostly play nowadays due to nostalgia, and also because of old-school veteran players like you. It’s nice to play with a part of CF’s history that still exists, which comprises of veteran players like you, especially in this lonely game where weekends only have 2-3 full servers running.

    Honestly, veteran players are the biggest reasons I still play this game. Even though this game dropped dramatically in popularity, you guys just keep on playing and investing time and money on it. Even when this game is as dead as it is, it still gives me hope and motivation seeing you guys still going strong at it. I don’t socialize very much in this game, but seeing the familiar names of old players makes me happy and be less lonely.

    If there’s something that can revive CF back to its former popularity, I think it’s the loyal fanbase. Not the VIP’s, nor free crates (with the atrocious win rates), nor the GMs (with the current state of how they handle things), it’s veteran players like you who remind me of the appeal of CF, the thing that keeps us playing for such a long time. New games are coming out nowadays with much better graphics and supports, but we still keep playing CF, because you and I understand the appeal that CF has, which doesn’t rely on new graphics or whatever. When you play the game for so long, you become a part of it.

    I hope the GM’s make this situation transparent for everyone. Clearly, this issue goes beyond the matter of banning a player. For what reason exactly was he banned? If we don’t know exactly how Kiki was banned, we might even commit the offense ourselves without knowing. If we don’t know the reasons, we naturally question GMs’ reasoning on banning players, and that can sow further distrust in the community. Furthermore, what is up with GM’s threatening to ban/mute people and closing down threads for whatever reason, both on the CF forum and Discord? Why do you guys keep using that tone towards people who try to have discourses? I thought it’s a good thing for conversations to be encouraged in the community, especially for a community like CF that so desperately needs them, given how dead things are right now. Do you guys honestly warn people to stay on topic in a thread, or else you guys would close it ??? (See kiki’s previous thread) Unbelievable.

    Kiki, I really hope you get your account back. 11 years is too much to start over, so I understand you having to say goodbye should you account remain banned forever. They can’t treat their loyal players like this. I don’t know what offense you committed, but a permanent ban is cold-blooded. I lost so much trust in this game now, so trust me when I say I feel your pain. I don’t even care what rules they say you supposedly violated, 11 years of dedication is too much to be vanquished in an instant. I agree rules are to be followed, but they come with exceptions, because rules exist to serve people, not to simply act like a condition in coding. And they way GM’s treated your situation, well, they simply treated you as a line of code, a number on their roster sheets.

    You have my support Kiki, even though I can’t do anything else but type this. I’m usually very quite, but I can’t help coming out to say my piece when I learned about your situation. It probably wouldn’t change anything, but I hope you feel a little better reading this knowing there are players who care and are sad to see you go. If there’s a miracle, I hope we can encounter one another in some random room in the future.
  • I don't know you but I may have played with you once or twice in the past. Seeing a loyal veteran player such as yourself in a situation like this sucks. I find it hard to believe that a player like you would start using cheats or risk losing your account in any other way after all these years. I'm an old player myself and no matter how bad this game and everything around it gets I would never even consider cheating and losing my account. I was once banned in another game for something I didn't do so I know how you feel right now. They claimed to have proof of me using hacks but that's not possible as I never used any. Wouldn't even show the "proof". I don't know how or why but they admit making a mistake and unbanned me. They should make exceptions in situations like this and consider the possibility that it may have been a mistake and not just automatically throw you out like garbage and move on like nothing ever happened. I wouldn't even be surprised if they used that other thing as an excuse to justify the ban so that they wouldn't have to admit they were wrong. Well I seriously hope that isn't the case here. 11 years of being a loyal player and this is what you get in the end. I don't even know you and this whole thing makes me feel sick.

    Anyways wish you all the best in whatever you do next.
  • So long partner, If it weren't for you I wouldn't' have spent a single dime on this game after the raging bull Vip. You are an actual GAMING WIZARD, I never though a guy with such a humongous brain would explain every gun to me(and the clan) and every update just based on CF BR and the CF wiki. Who would've thought that asking me what my favorite anime is would make us good friends through discord... Believe it or not you literally changed my life from being a lonesome boy to actually having conversations day in and day out with the clan, and I'm deeply thankful for it! That's something I never thought it would happen since my english is not perfect, but you took me in and I felt like homeless person getting a house after being lost for so long and that something ill never forget. Even if we part ways in the distant future(which I hope it never happens.) I will still cherish the moments we've had and will have going onwards.

    Thank you Kevin.

    I myself will be quitting this game as well, I don't see the point of trying to get better at the game if at any given moment my account could flop and die like a wet noodle, out of no where with no real evidence.
    This is my account for those of you wondering: Robruh - Crossfire Player Profile ( .

    I am also a veteran player and I've been playing this game since highschool. I loved this game for its community and variety of game modes, I still remember repairing the base m4 countless times and spending my GP every time I could've bought a single GP crate hoping I would get a permanent weapon but getting yoinked every single time because the drop rates were awful. Back then I only had a rotting potato and could only play at 20-35 frames which led me to play Ghost Mode a ton since it was the Mode that gave me the most frames. (GOD bless Saint5 and all the people in it!) My first clan was named ''Hurricane'' and I remember being super active back in 2012 ish but after a few months I got kicked for no reason so I ended up making my own clan. Which died of course :( ...*CalmSouls* and *CalmS0uls*. First one died due to inactivity and the second one I deleted myself. My third clan shall not be named due to .. reasons... and after a while I decided to stop playing since everything was getting dull and people used to barley talk in matches or in lobbies(aka game dying) it was mostly Egys and BRs players talking it out and spamming the same fraises.

    After growing up outa highschool I got a job and started saving for a new laptop, and ended up getting another potato but with better frames in general(about 40-70) and I started playing this game again, and that's when I started playing again, after a few years I come across this guy named 2kiki2, and the mad lad asks me something among the lines of '' hey man, I love you. Whats your favorite anime?'' don't remember it perfectly but I do remember the ''I love you'' part LOL. At the time I was confused and we ended up chatting a bit since I felt he probably has seen me in some pubs before and that's when he invites me to use discord and boiiiiiiii that's where my life started to pick up. No more lonely boi playing the same game trying to get the attention of other players just to have a 60 sec chatter. My depression kinda started to fart out of my bodeh and I started to feel like a human again.

    We planned to keep increasing the size of the clan with new players and it almost felt like an adventure asking random people what were their favorite anime, and we got to meet some really funny and caring people by doing so. So I got to be grateful to this game for all these memories and friends that I have made along the way. Unfortunately good things in life never last forever. It sucks that it had to end up like this, but know this; ''Fair play people, no cheaters''. Good bye everyone!

  • 1) Yo okikio please watch this they gave this man a permenament ban too. If you know I-D]oDGeR.? he got banned too and his friend D1noSaur they are both friends I met them in a livestream of a famous youtuber. Dinosaur changed his name I think and Dodger he was using TMP eternal dragon in wave mode most likely salty players reported him in website I played with him 2 times in hmx rooftop and crater normal/hardmode zombie mode saw both dodger and dinosaur when I checked they both got ban well dodger 100% not sure about dinosaur but both lost honorable ribbon and me in my CTM_......... SaiyaJin10 in april 2018 I didn't lose it just 2019-2021 Idontknow i might b e blind and didn't see it properly

    2) Marshall Red Rank level 1 reputation IGN: Yi-Lucife/Yi-Purple first/former name was Yi-Lucife then changed name to Y-Purple clan name: Oyiooo something like that now Disbanded I think too much ooo to put in clan name search

    How popular/clan created before? So back in year 2016-2017 maybe even 2018 also clan oyiooo was the most popular clan it was created before NiceBest created
    NOV, 2018 and Overwhelm CREATED JUL, 2019
    1st video My Crossfire Festival Film 2017 #CFFF2017​ : Problem with Hackers and Wrong Banned? 5min video watch I guarantee will not waste your time

    2nd video Crossfire NA/UK 2.0: M240B - Tesla Max camper - My last video be4 my account got banned 15min video I dont recommend you watch this video but it is long and entertaining and maybe boring at the same time cuz it is long

    3rd video Bad day: My account has been block permanently when i try to making video????? offically got banned in this video 100%

    4th video Crossfire NA/UK 2.0: NEW Killmark for you guys =))) this video rez files changing killmark is why he got banned as much as it pains me to say this I loved watching his video it was entertaining but he eventually got banned I also subcribed to his fellow Yi clan mate too of course who I am not going to name former youtube name was KHAI-CFNA now know as Kyle.D - Gaming
    he got banned July 2017

    3) Little did I know I would be receiving the same treatment in April 2018 I understand why GM banned Yi-Lucife/Yi-Purple but why ban I dont remember when I-D]oDGeR.? got banned

    I-D]oDGeR.? and SaiyaJin10

    MY 6 vip account MY IGN before of course I am not saying my ign now but I did buy trixy and m4a1 radiant vip again m4a1 variant vip.

    Very Rare/Vip or Items In SaiyaJin10 I had m4a1, shovel and barrett obsedian beast, axe beast and trixy and DE- EL DORADO preorder de el dorado namecard and spray along with trixy for m4a1 custom violet

    and exclusive 8th Veteran name card and spray and 9th Veteran spray and namecard I didn't had those 8th and 9th spray namecard in other account great support I got it was my first preorder

    I had gatling gun razer 2 times win in SaiyaJin10 and ak47 ST Patrick day too. However I won ak47 st patrick day or it again on my main account :)

    (m4a1 custom crystal 20 ribbon) and gg razer, and the 6vip listed above. the Xuan Yuan Sword I love that sword the sweet 1 hp heal with right click splash damage precise/
    PERFECT timing and cool green/yellow lighting I am not even chinese but I still loved it a lot they bought it back later :) 0.0 <3Using MILEAGEPOINT

    I remember and pretty sure I 100% even cry about small thing like balloon hammer even cuz I had to grind for GP again

    8. RPK I bought again GP
    9.TOKAREV-TT33 NEW PISTOL I bought again GP new pistol in April or May 2018

    10. BALLOON HAMMER I bought again GP
    11. LA SWAT bought again ZP

    12. TRIXY VIP CHAR bought again ZP in main account not saying my ign lol
    preorder in SaiyaJin10 (banned)
    13. DUAL DESPERADO bought again GP

    17. THOMPSON Norma​l bought again GP

    21. R93 T2 iwonitagainback GP
    22. KSG-15 iwonitagainback GP

    25. AUG-A1-CAMO iwonitagainback GP

    29. DESERT-EAGLE-CAMO iwonitagainback GP

    27. TRG-21 iwonitagainback GP
    28. ORCHID SUMMER sexy one bought again ZP[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2][IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2]​​
    obsedian in saiyajin10
    MY 6 vip account 2 bought again trixy and m4a1 vip variant radiant

    shovel and barrett obsedian beast, axe beast and trixy and DE- EL DORADO but it wont bring back my m4a1 custom violet Duh oooooooffffffff MEME kid rage xd

    might have cry idontknow
    awm sniper 5/30
    DSR1 sniper
    desert eagle normal
    WINCHESTER these 7 weapon I might have cried about or not I cant remember

    0 kills tracked from november 13 2019 god I want to swear so much keep post friendly
    24ribbon 8 years veteran SaiyaJin10 created 2010 banned 2018 = 8 years
    KDR 1.01 why banned I used hac.k/cheat program and banned for number 10 = 10 years LMAO ROFL u know what it **** it

    Conclusion: People dont care if it happening to other people account because it is not their if a friend get ban then all of a sudden they care people like to think I am the best I am God no one can touch me I am abovethe law I am number one highest of the highest top no one can talk trash to me

    I am in your side okikio and your friend Kaek as I can relate to this situation as it has happened to me before too and know that I truly think you are good decent human being that had to be yet another victim of this bullsh1t fcked up situation aka more power to the GM or abuse power. They put you and us the community through the hac.k joining and ruining game kick vote shenigans for even 0kill0death just joined and kicked and server issues yet they gave you a gift in the form of a perm ban at this point they might even perm ban even a grand marshall rank or honorary grand marshall

    CF has lost yet another loyal customer/supporter not being sarcastic I am telling truth
    RANK that are captain or 3 to 5 years of crossfire at least should be treated differently from some one who played cf only 1 to2 years in my opinion 5 and 8 years still a long time 5 to 8 years of cf should be treated as some what as of an equal to 9 to 12 years

    They literally treat your account likesome (fckin gay trio hac.k rank group consisting of staff sergant, sergant first class and master sergant) no respect for rank lower than 2nd lieutenant get 2nd lieutenant rank to get my respect and not a bad look as soon as I see you when I press TAB score leaderboard took me 4 years to reach 2nd lieutenant rank 1 year quit cuz of year 9 bad geography grade embrassed myself in front of my friend and did a bumpfist like naruto shippuden and killer bee gyuki and naruto and kurama 9 tails and 1 to 7 wait not 1 tail

    keep going forward and move on try to think of the good times that happened not the bad times
    Bye and good luck in your life btw your clan name made it worse for your situation you might have been banned for it but again even if you didn't had the word corona as your clan name as something else but decided to play with a GM with a gg id vip then
    kinetics you might still be dealt the same it is still possible I 100% feel sorry for you and dodger and Kaek and me in SaiyaJin10

    1. Shukaku
    2. Matatabi
    3. Isobu
    4. Son Gokū
    5. Kokuō
    6. Saiken
    7. Chōmei
    8. Gyūki
    9. Kurama
    10. Ten-Tails
    sorry for going off topic

    I am pretty sure I know the ign of who reported me and I dont have a discord idontcare about telling other his name btw this is low level account green horn HHhHh
    I might be wrong to accuse this person to be the who reported me like I said the rules say donot defame anyone or harrass but my clan name does ranked s&d match season 14 I lost it and got jealous of his m4a1 radiant imperial beast or m4a1 imperial beast damn that gun motherfcker

    swear count 5 6 if check clan name I only play ranked season 13 8 games of ranked S&D 22 games of 1v1 sniper,knife/TDM/winstreak and 80 game season 14 ribbon count not saying years of service 9 in main account playing right now created 2012

    To those who we still dont know that has been banned and never took thing to forum like us so we dont know how many moregot banned but people will report out of anger or frustation or jealously or see other player as as object that is in their way to get ranked match rewards and gun diamond,master,legend,mythical and grand master I can only imagine how toxic it will b e in the legend, mythical and grand master btw I had to 1v1 a legend player namecard background character so I told him this is useless and I quit i know how good legend rank match player are they were 2nd to grand master after GM created the Mythical
    yes I am a coward

    Scorpion Evo ambition 11th years no need for evo noble silver or c4 victory when I got from spin the wheel
    ak47 asgard recoil control 220 games played void rift now sh1t at ak47 used to be good somewhat decent ffa player but sh1t at searchanddestroy stopped playing actively in august 2019 I think and mass muation came out xd 30 player dawn village
    m4a1 stealth is one I am trying toget right now seems to be the most benefical/ benefit gun for me or I migh get m4a1 xs noble silver but I will probably go for m4a1 stealth

    Do I look like someone who got banned before and to play 220 game of void rift and win those gp gun again zm3 50 PVE elite level and ranked zombie mode season 2 play again season 1 didn't play cuz I wanted to focus only on void rift and 30 player muass mutation mode/escape mode righteous shotgun gold ang gg wildshot gold to do that again cuz of low rank hac.ker decided to crash game give error when killed go to church house dawn village 30 player fence cage inside box or F16 AIRSTRIKE WAVE MODE HAC.K or female/male vip kick hac.k RONIN GR to risk all cuz of lame a55 hac.ker gay trio rank group

    they still hasnot fixed that fckin gay a55 hac.k that let cheater/hac.ker access other people account kill feed what is up with that sh1t as soon as i see my name I leave and those who i play with enough time in massmutation 30 player dawnvillage or mass mutation escape lostcity,outbreak and financial district I will support them telling other they are legit they aren ot hac.k I know them when other accuse them or reporting them for hac.k if I dont know them and not played with them at least 100 times I will not support them 10 to 50 times is not enough maybe 50 times is enough my most favorite mode mutation ahhhhhhhhhh argggggggghhhhhhh aaarrrrgggghhhh aaaahhhh ung green guy angry hulk fist green guy is cute when angry (green giant advert )

  • KHAI-CFNA was banned when he had 5k subcribers forgot to mention this please dont give hate to sensei KHAI-CFNA just cuz of rez files the man left CF for forever for good so dont message him and sh1t lost track of swear not gonna bother with that crap anymore peace Idont care about grammar and puncutation to those all wondering it is a game forum chat not an english exam
  • Noryqtie wrote: »
    Goodbye, Crossfire has lost their most loyal player. The world sees everything. <3

    Thank you man, I hope that we can stay in contact even after all of this. For those of you who aren't aware, this is the person who was kind enough to make the Crossfire adventures video. Feel free to give it a watch if you haven't already, as it's just the rawest form of our good times we had on Crossfire and it is truly nostalgic to look at it.

    Pyrex00 wrote: »
    The reason most people still play this game is purely off of memories. Sad reality is, those good times from the past are there to stay. You cannot relive them in the present time, you’re just stuck in a nostalgia loop. To be frank, the more you play in the present, the less you appreciate the past. A good friend of mine who used to play CF with me back in elementary school recently passed away, and I got this small urge to update the game and play but like I said, it’s an attempt to relive the past but obviously it won’t bring him back. Your best bet is to move on and even take a break from your computer if you need to. Good luck.

    I know that I’ll never be able to relive the past, but it doesn’t change how I feel about it. I am so so sorry to hear about your situation, and I hope you are doing okay. I will be moving on, and I appreciate your kind words. If you’d like to talk or anything, I’ll always be available.

    tldr.. jk sorry my man, unfortunately each of account is just another number in their spreadsheets, doesn't matter how much we play /spent. Just move on and don't look back at this. You'll be fine, it's just a game. The good memories you got out of this is what mattered most.

    I now know that we don’t matter from firsthand experience. I just truly wish it didn’t have to be this way… I will always cherish the good memories that I made with all of my friends and now with all of you amazing people who are here in this thread. Thank you.

    This whole thing makes me so angry.

    Like you, I also got into this game a decade ago. The game was very popular back then, and sadly it isn’t anymore, not even close. I mostly play nowadays due to nostalgia, and also because of old-school veteran players like you. It’s nice to play with a part of CF’s history that still exists, which comprises of veteran players like you, especially in this lonely game where weekends only have 2-3 full servers running.

    Honestly, veteran players are the biggest reasons I still play this game. Even though this game dropped dramatically in popularity, you guys just keep on playing and investing time and money on it. Even when this game is as dead as it is, it still gives me hope and motivation seeing you guys still going strong at it. I don’t socialize very much in this game, but seeing the familiar names of old players makes me happy and be less lonely.

    If there’s something that can revive CF back to its former popularity, I think it’s the loyal fanbase. Not the VIP’s, nor free crates (with the atrocious win rates), nor the GMs (with the current state of how they handle things), it’s veteran players like you who remind me of the appeal of CF, the thing that keeps us playing for such a long time. New games are coming out nowadays with much better graphics and supports, but we still keep playing CF, because you and I understand the appeal that CF has, which doesn’t rely on new graphics or whatever. When you play the game for so long, you become a part of it.

    I hope the GM’s make this situation transparent for everyone. Clearly, this issue goes beyond the matter of banning a player. For what reason exactly was he banned? If we don’t know exactly how Kiki was banned, we might even commit the offense ourselves without knowing. If we don’t know the reasons, we naturally question GMs’ reasoning on banning players, and that can sow further distrust in the community. Furthermore, what is up with GM’s threatening to ban/mute people and closing down threads for whatever reason, both on the CF forum and Discord? Why do you guys keep using that tone towards people who try to have discourses? I thought it’s a good thing for conversations to be encouraged in the community, especially for a community like CF that so desperately needs them, given how dead things are right now. Do you guys honestly warn people to stay on topic in a thread, or else you guys would close it ??? (See kiki’s previous thread) Unbelievable.

    Kiki, I really hope you get your account back. 11 years is too much to start over, so I understand you having to say goodbye should you account remain banned forever. They can’t treat their loyal players like this. I don’t know what offense you committed, but a permanent ban is cold-blooded. I lost so much trust in this game now, so trust me when I say I feel your pain. I don’t even care what rules they say you supposedly violated, 11 years of dedication is too much to be vanquished in an instant. I agree rules are to be followed, but they come with exceptions, because rules exist to serve people, not to simply act like a condition in coding. And they way GM’s treated your situation, well, they simply treated you as a line of code, a number on their roster sheets.

    You have my support Kiki, even though I can’t do anything else but type this. I’m usually very quite, but I can’t help coming out to say my piece when I learned about your situation. It probably wouldn’t change anything, but I hope you feel a little better reading this knowing there are players who care and are sad to see you go. If there’s a miracle, I hope we can encounter one another in some random room in the future.

    Thank you so much for your comment. This game will always hold a special place in my heart, and I can see that you are another passionate member of the Crossfire community. I don’t think that getting my account back would matter to me at this point. The way that they have treated countless community members both here and on Discord just speaks volumes to the direction that this game is heading. Even against everything that has been happening, I truly don’t want to see the game die. I want things to start getting better. I hope that going forward, people like you can be the first ones to see this game change its course and start growing again. I know that the chances are slim, but this game is so unique. There are multiple reasons why it has survived so long and continues to do so well in other regions. All I could ever ask for is for people to lend me an ear, and for the people who have been kind enough to comment, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you the best going forward, both in game and IRL.
  • IxRobxI wrote: »
    So long partner, If it weren't for you I wouldn't' have spent a single dime on this game after the raging bull Vip. You are an actual GAMING WIZARD, I never though a guy with such a humongous brain would explain every gun to me(and the clan) and every update just based on CF BR and the CF wiki. Who would've thought that asking me what my favorite anime is would make us good friends through discord... Believe it or not you literally changed my life from being a lonesome boy to actually having conversations day in and day out with the clan, and I'm deeply thankful for it! That's something I never thought it would happen since my english is not perfect, but you took me in and I felt like homeless person getting a house after being lost for so long and that something ill never forget. Even if we part ways in the distant future(which I hope it never happens.) I will still cherish the moments we've had and will have going onwards.

    Thank you Kevin.

    I myself will be quitting this game as well, I don't see the point of trying to get better at the game if at any given moment my account could flop and die like a wet noodle, out of no where with no real evidence.
    This is my account for those of you wondering: Robruh - Crossfire Player Profile ( .

    I am also a veteran player and I've been playing this game since highschool. I loved this game for its community and variety of game modes, I still remember repairing the base m4 countless times and spending my GP every time I could've bought a single GP crate hoping I would get a permanent weapon but getting yoinked every single time because the drop rates were awful. Back then I only had a rotting potato and could only play at 20-35 frames which led me to play Ghost Mode a ton since it was the Mode that gave me the most frames. (GOD bless Saint5 and all the people in it!) My first clan was named ''Hurricane'' and I remember being super active back in 2012 ish but after a few months I got kicked for no reason so I ended up making my own clan. Which died of course :( ...*CalmSouls* and *CalmS0uls*. First one died due to inactivity and the second one I deleted myself. My third clan shall not be named due to .. reasons... and after a while I decided to stop playing since everything was getting dull and people used to barley talk in matches or in lobbies(aka game dying) it was mostly Egys and BRs players talking it out and spamming the same fraises.

    After growing up outa highschool I got a job and started saving for a new laptop, and ended up getting another potato but with better frames in general(about 40-70) and I started playing this game again, and that's when I started playing again, after a few years I come across this guy named 2kiki2, and the mad lad asks me something among the lines of '' hey man, I love you. Whats your favorite anime?'' don't remember it perfectly but I do remember the ''I love you'' part LOL. At the time I was confused and we ended up chatting a bit since I felt he probably has seen me in some pubs before and that's when he invites me to use discord and boiiiiiiii that's where my life started to pick up. No more lonely boi playing the same game trying to get the attention of other players just to have a 60 sec chatter. My depression kinda started to fart out of my bodeh and I started to feel like a human again.

    We planned to keep increasing the size of the clan with new players and it almost felt like an adventure asking random people what were their favorite anime, and we got to meet some really funny and caring people by doing so. So I got to be grateful to this game for all these memories and friends that I have made along the way. Unfortunately good things in life never last forever. It sucks that it had to end up like this, but know this; ''Fair play people, no cheaters''. Good bye everyone!


    Thank you for the kind words. This is the third and fortunately unscathed member who was with us at the time in that never to be forgotten match against that specific GM. He is one of the nicest and funniest guys that I've met on Crossfire, and I still play games with him very regularly. I am extremely thankful that I had the opportunity to meet him in this game, and I am very touched to hear his thoughts. I did not ask him to post any of this, and to see it posted publicly warms my heart. I will always remember the time we have spent together on Crossfire, and I couldn't have asked for a better clanmate. Thank you for everything.
  • KHAI-CFNA was banned when he had 5k subcribers forgot to mention this please dont give hate to sensei KHAI-CFNA just cuz of rez files the man left CF for forever for good so dont message him and sh1t lost track of swear not gonna bother with that crap anymore peace Idont care about grammar and puncutation to those all wondering it is a game forum chat not an english exam

    Hey, thank you for your comments. I read everything you posted in your previous one, and I am so sorry for what happened. I appreciate you taking so much time to leave a comment, and I can completely understand how upset you are. You are definitely a passionate player, and I felt the same way about collecting weapons. I LOVED getting new things to play around with, and that is one of the main draws of this game in my opinion. The sheer diversity and uniqueness of the vast amount of weapons in this game is not rivalled by any other game on the market. Sure, not everything is necessarily viable, but that is another topic for another discussion. I have seen some of those guys that you've mentioned before, and I did not realize that they have come across similar situations. Thank you for supporting me, and I hope that at the very least, this discussion here can be a catalyst for change going forward.
  • Kelonix wrote: »
    good byy bro

    Goodbye man, thank you for reading and responding. Wishing you all the best.
  • Goodbye friend, it's been a good run. I may not have known you for the longest time Kevin, but I can tell you that when I played with you guys that you guys had a real love for the game, and a love to keep coming back to it. It feels extremely weird saying goodbye, but I think any logical person would make the same decision you did. I joined a game back in November of 2020, back when I was newer to the game, but still had PC FPS experience, so CF was not that unusual to me. One day, in a Mass S&D game, I met you and Rob. I was expecting toxicity, but I got the opposite. It still shocks me how you guys have never said a toxic thing that I've heard. You guys asked if I wanted to join your clan, and I agreed because I wanted to play with people in the game, it only makes games better. I know that you may still not know much about me, but I know about how much you are respected among your friends, and the CrossFire community. Even though we were only playing for around 3-4 months, I can tell you without a doubt that you guys are the reason that I still play this game. I respect how much you guys cared about the game, Kaek, Kevin, Rob. Even though I was only playing around with you guys for not very long, I could still tell that you were good people, and that you guys are good friends. I hope after all this, we can still stay in touch, because playing with you guys is really fun.
  • This entire situation irks me so much that I can't express my anger and grief in words. As I was reading this thread, I could see soo many things which I can relate to. The things which only veteran players know and cherish and it just increased my pain. When I first read the first thread by kiki, I was in disbelief that how a GM told players to not use gatling gun vip in s&d and told them right away that they will be banned and even wrote bye bye, which in itself says a lot. On top of that, they were told that they will be banned, without any thorough checking of the replay of that match.

    Sadly, the game management believes that an 11 year player should be treated as 1 day player and doesn't consider the factor that how can a veteran player with NO offence before, could suddenly use macro with gatling gun VIP gun?
    Then, the reason for ban was suddenly changed from macro user to the century's old violation of ToS, which again tells a lot about this ban. No proof or evidence was provided to the player to show him how he violated the terms and conditions and it is expected that the player would silently accept his ban and not discuss it on discord or forums. Tell me how can a player would defend him or herself when he or she doesn't know what actually led to that ban. Despite soo many calls from players to review their decision and provide evidence for this ban, but game management didn't bother to do anything. They asked the banned player to submit a ticket and not discuss such things on discord or forum. But when they submit tickets, support always send the same robotic message. Tell me what should be done in this case? Do they expect player to just gladily accept ban and don't ask questions for such stupidity?

    When some players decided to raise concern over this controversial ban on discord then they were threatened to be kicked from server and they literally kicked players from discord. No decent company would adopt such behaviour towards its customers let alone decade old customers but everything works at z8games and why not? When they have supporters, although handfew, who would do anything to stay in their good books. For them, I have a message;
    what goes around comes around as I strongly believes in karma.

    I really hope that Kevin would get his account back and the wrong decision could be reversed. I talked with Kevinduring this situation and I really found him to be very calm and personable guy and his friends described him really well in this thread.

    I really hope that you get all the great things in your life. This game actually don't deserve such kind of people. Whatever's coming to this game, this game deserves it!
  • don't feel bad, it's obvious this game is on its last leg and soon we'll all be saying goodbye to our accounts. go out and enjoy life and be the next rockstar
  • Goodbye friend, it's been a good run. I may not have known you for the longest time Kevin, but I can tell you that when I played with you guys that you guys had a real love for the game, and a love to keep coming back to it. It feels extremely weird saying goodbye, but I think any logical person would make the same decision you did. I joined a game back in November of 2020, back when I was newer to the game, but still had PC FPS experience, so CF was not that unusual to me. One day, in a Mass S&D game, I met you and Rob. I was expecting toxicity, but I got the opposite. It still shocks me how you guys have never said a toxic thing that I've heard. You guys asked if I wanted to join your clan, and I agreed because I wanted to play with people in the game, it only makes games better. I know that you may still not know much about me, but I know about how much you are respected among your friends, and the CrossFire community. Even though we were only playing for around 3-4 months, I can tell you without a doubt that you guys are the reason that I still play this game. I respect how much you guys cared about the game, Kaek, Kevin, Rob. Even though I was only playing around with you guys for not very long, I could still tell that you were good people, and that you guys are good friends. I hope after all this, we can still stay in touch, because playing with you guys is really fun.

    Thank you. Every single one of our clanmates were absolutely great people, and I will always remember each and everyone one of you. Thank you for sharing your experience, thank you for spending your time with us, and I hope that you can find some more like minded individuals to continue to enjoy this game with. Our clan has always been about having fun with friends, and I think that has been very clear. I always said that no one is obligated to stay in the clan, and joining us was more of a way to make friends than anything. Even if the Corona clan dies from this, I hope that we will be able to maintain the friendships that we have made. We'll always be around in our own Discord any time you want to pop in to say hello or even if you want to play some other games with us.
  • olpers wrote: »
    This entire situation irks me so much that I can't express my anger and grief in words. As I was reading this thread, I could see soo many things which I can relate to. The things which only veteran players know and cherish and it just increased my pain. When I first read the first thread by kiki, I was in disbelief that how a GM told players to not use gatling gun vip in s&d and told them right away that they will be banned and even wrote bye bye, which in itself says a lot. On top of that, they were told that they will be banned, without any thorough checking of the replay of that match.

    Sadly, the game management believes that an 11 year player should be treated as 1 day player and doesn't consider the factor that how can a veteran player with NO offence before, could suddenly use macro with gatling gun VIP gun?
    Then, the reason for ban was suddenly changed from macro user to the century's old violation of ToS, which again tells a lot about this ban. No proof or evidence was provided to the player to show him how he violated the terms and conditions and it is expected that the player would silently accept his ban and not discuss it on discord or forums. Tell me how can a player would defend him or herself when he or she doesn't know what actually led to that ban. Despite soo many calls from players to review their decision and provide evidence for this ban, but game management didn't bother to do anything. They asked the banned player to submit a ticket and not discuss such things on discord or forum. But when they submit tickets, support always send the same robotic message. Tell me what should be done in this case? Do they expect player to just gladily accept ban and don't ask questions for such stupidity?

    When some players decided to raise concern over this controversial ban on discord then they were threatened to be kicked from server and they literally kicked players from discord. No decent company would adopt such behaviour towards its customers let alone decade old customers but everything works at z8games and why not? When they have supporters, although handfew, who would do anything to stay in their good books. For them, I have a message;
    what goes around comes around as I strongly believes in karma.

    I really hope that Kevin would get his account back and the wrong decision could be reversed. I talked with Kevinduring this situation and I really found him to be very calm and personable guy and his friends described him really well in this thread.

    I really hope that you get all the great things in your life. This game actually don't deserve such kind of people. Whatever's coming to this game, this game deserves it!

    Thank you so much for everything you've said here, in other threads, and on Discord. I've seen that you are a person who stands up for other people when they are looking for support. You are truly one of the most dedicated and down to earth people I have met, and I respect you an incredible amount. I cannot thank you enough for everything you've said and done. Please continue to be the great person that you are, and I know that you'll have a fantastic life. I am always open to talk if you'd like, and I will never forget you.
    skyyblu wrote: »
    don't feel bad, it's obvious this game is on its last leg and soon we'll all be saying goodbye to our accounts. go out and enjoy life and be the next rockstar

    I will always remember my time with this game, both the good and the bad. Even though I am moving on, that doesn't negate any of the feelings that I have or had for this game. Moving on for me is simply trying new things, and making new experiences with people I care about. I think it would be disingenuous to discredit the entirety of the 11 years spent on this game over something like this, even if it's not the ending that I wanted. I know the future does not look great right now, but I know things have the potential to get better. Thank you for your kind words, and I wish you all the best.
  • There is no need to thank me, or anyone for that matter. I really hope you get your account back. I still can't wrap my head around how they really believe that a veteran player would hack after all these years of gameplay.
  • It's sad to see someone that has played for this long leave. Even in these circumstances. I mostly play this game alone if we speak of irl friends, because like you said, they simply lost interest. I have played since 2010 myself and I feel like you, I don't know what will replace this game if I were unable to play it, be it a ban or if it were to get shut down, and looking at how the game is now... honestly that might come sooner than later :(

  • okikio wrote: »
    Disclaimer: As my forum thread has been closed since Wednesday, I have not been able to respond to any further inquiries aside from the great people who have reached out to me through my personal discord which is 0kiki0#8158. I wish to leave in good grace with the community, and I wish to cease producing any sort of drama going forward. This will be my final thoughts about my experience with Crossfire and last post on what has happened. I am so sorry for involving so many people, and I understand that some people are upset about the way that I have handled things. For that, I am extremely sorry and I hope that you can still afford me the kindness to listen to what I have to say. I will keep everything I am saying as civil as possible, and if there are any ToS violations, please simply censor what needs to be removed or lock the thread instead of taking down everything I have posted. I appreciate that my previous discussion thread remains intact, and I hope that people will be able to reference other people’s valuable opinions on the matter. In this thread, I aim to cover my entire experience with Crossfire from the very beginning, and it will very likely be one of the longest things I have ever written. Please try to bear with me, and feel free to skip any information that is not of interest to you. In no way am I trying to garner any sort of sympathy toward myself, I am just writing down all of my thoughts in as organized of a manner as possible and reliving the many good times I had.
    1. Introduction: Who I am, what this is.
      1. My name is Kevin, I am 22 years old, and I have been playing this game since around 2010. My IGN was 2kiki2, and the account that I am posting this from is my original account that I made when first playing this game. I love Crossfire and have been playing for more than 11 years. I have made countless friends through this game and have had an unbelievable time meeting both new and old players. I will not lie that it is still one of my favourite games to date, and I have had a hard time finding anything even remotely comparable. I simply want to reminisce about all of the good times that I have had throughout Crossfire’s history. I am not expecting what I am writing to change anyone’s opinions, I am simply writing it out of love for the game and to make peace with the fact that I will be parting ways with this game after so long. This is my profile for those of you who have not seen me before.
    2. Part 1: The Beginning (2010-2012)
      1. If there are any details that are inconsistent or do not make sense, please try to understand that I am trying to retell information that has happened over a decade ago and I may not remember entirely what happened back then.
      2. All the way back in 2010 when I first started playing Crossfire, it was one of the greatest and most popular games I have ever played. My brother had introduced me to this game, and he is the one who originally founded my clan Corona, which was previously called FairyTail a very long time ago. His IGN was freddyfish, and we used TeamSpeak 3 to talk to our clanmates. The game at the time was super popular, and we’d be doing clan wars and events regularly. I’ll never forget how much fun it was at the time to hop on TS3 and just hang out with friends while playing a game we all loved. Ever since I think about 2011-2012ish, we relabelled the clan as Corona, referring to the part of the sun. We have occasionally been mislabeled as some sort of edgy group of people who are making a joke out of the current situation, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have been Corona for so long and have had so many good times under that name, that it would have been so sad to be forced to change it due to the very unfortunate circumstances within the past year. There were many jokes about us being sponsored by the beer company, and it was such a blast playing with my friends back then.
      3. I loved FPS games growing up as a kid. I played so many games back then such as A.V.A., Combat Arms, Tribes, etc. None of them have had as much of a lasting impact on me as Crossfire, and I don’t think any of them have come close to the success that Crossfire has seen. I still remember when people would call you out for using an “OP” weapon like the Scar Light or the Kriss Super V. It was so tough to get cool weapons back then, and I didn’t have a lot of cash to splash on the game so I had to stick with the good old M4A1 and some other solid GP guns. It used to be so hard to get GP back then that I had to remake a new account (which is now known as 2kiki2) after spending all of my GP on repairing and then rolling crates and buying an M9. I remember when ZM was so hard that you’d basically have to have revive tokens to run maps like Biohazard on Normal or risk getting absolutely destroyed by the boss. I remember when we had dog tags that you had to collect for a measly 5 Deagle Scope crates or a 30 Day XM1014-Adv. I remember when mutation mode on Port was all the hype and bringing in my default M60 with 100/300 rounds was such a good time. Holding that ramp on A site was absolutely legendary. I remember when I first started putting money into the game and managed to get myself the permanent Combat Axe-BC and M4A1-Custom from exchanging coupons. I remember when Deagle Camo was one of the best pistols in the game. It was such a different experience playing the game back then compared to how it is now, and now looking back, those days are probably some of the most memorable times in my entire life. I still have an unbelievable amount of nostalgia for this game, and maybe that is one of the reasons that I have stuck with it for so long.
    3. Part 2: The Middle (2013-2019)
      1. Going forward, people in the clan gradually started to lose interest in the game and began to leave and play other things. I still greatly enjoyed the game, and my brother decided to give me the position of leader of the clan, as I was still playing this game on a regular basis. I managed to get some of my IRL friends to play this game, and recruited some really great people into our clan. The game was always so fun to play with friends, and I think that without them, I wouldn’t be playing this game at all. Of course, there were periods of time that I took breaks for others games that I played. This game was never the only game that I played, simply the one that I had played for the longest. I played with these people for a few years before eventually they moved on as well. I will never forget the time that I spent with them and all of the good memories we made. I had replays of matches with them, but it appears that the one of the updates to the replay system has led to nearly all of my previous replays being inaccessible.
      2. As I grew older alongside the game, I occasionally thought about the idea of applying to be a mod or even applying for a position at Smilegate West once I graduated. I truly loved this game so much, and it was such an integral part of my life at that point that I wanted to start getting more involved in the community. I unfortunately realized a bit too late that they had hosted an event at EGLX and I had missed it. In hopes of meeting the GMs in person and participating in a community event, I volunteered at the next EGLX event. Unfortunately, they did not return for a consecutive time, but I still heard one of the Crossfire themes playing on the overhead speakers a few times and it really felt special to me. I wish that I had the opportunity to meet them in person just to say hi and make some friends within the crossfire community. I was at 72 ribbons on my account as of posting this, and having that extra one for attending an offline event would have been the last ribbon I needed to hit that 75 ribbon count for the AK-47 Goldmine. I was going to just get the other 2 from the level 40 Mercenary Pass ribbon and the Premium Pass ribbon.
      3. Around this time, I had some money saved up so I started to buy VIP weapons. They were super fun to use, and I know that some people will say this game went downhill after the inclusion of VIPs which are P2W and whatnot, but I still think that if you’re decent enough at the game, you can still destroy everyone with the basic AK-47. VIPs do not inherently give you skill, only some slight advantages that have been easier to obtain as a F2P through systems such as the ranked honour rewards. The M4A1-XS-Noble Silver has full wall bang if you don’t already know, so make sure to pick that one up ASAP if you don’t have it as a F2P. This is the first forum post I made back in 2014 when I bought the RPK. It was such a good weapon at that time to use in Mutation Mode, and even though it’s not that great of a weapon anymore, I still sometimes used it just for the nostalgia.
      4. I was stockpiling crates as hard as I could while I waited for a new coupon rotation so that I could open up the literal hundreds to over a thousand crates and instantly get everything and start waiting again. I managed to purchase nearly every coupon rotation once I started doing this, and that has been my strategy ever since. Crate luck has been the bane of my existence, so I never really bought any substantial amount and instead decided to do as many crate events as possible.
      5. I started to get slightly more involved in the community, and I participated in a bunch of different GM Livestream events where I was fortunate enough to win their Twitch raffle twice within a short timespan. I got a couple crates and was even given a permanent APR-338-Zephyr from those events. I think those events were absolutely great and should absolutely make a comeback in the future. They livestreamed the entire event on Twitch and the GMs interacted with the community via the chat. It was great to be able to put a face behind a name, and in my opinion, it was one of the best recurring community events. They opened up some crates during the livestream and then raffled away any winnings to the chat. The current GM Play events held through discord are a far cry from what once was the GM Livestreams.
    4. Part 3: The Ending (2020-2021)
      1. During the last year or so, I made so many good friends on Crossfire from around the world who I still talk to today. It was harder to find other likeminded people to play with, and the game’s popularity has undeniably been on the decline. Nonetheless, I kept playing and doing events and having a blast with the people I met. I held a clan wide event and gave away a 10K ZP prize pool to the person who could perform best in the Kahoot quiz that I made. It was so much fun. I was more determined to get my ribbons, and I made sure to try and get as many as I possibly could. This past year has probably been one of the most active times for our clan in a long while, and I am so happy to see that there are still other extremely dedicated players who have stuck with this game for so long. I had the fortune of meeting an extremely nice person who happened to make videos, and they made a little video about some of our adventures in Crossfire. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to link a YouTube video, but here it is in case you’re interested.
        I don’t think there is any real offensive content in the video, and it was mainly made for fun. If linking this is not allowed, please simply remove the link and do not delete the entire post.
      2. I ended up participating in the Crossfire Halloween Creative Contest last year, as I had a bit more free time and I wanted to really start interacting with the community more. One of my good friends also decided to participate in this contest as well, and he was able to get second place in the Art category. I managed to get second place with my costume submission, and I also entered a pumpkin carving as well. If you’re interested, here’s a link to my submissions.
        I would still love to see the other winners’ submissions and I don’t quite understand why they weren’t posted publicly this year.
      3. Since around the end of last year to about now, my interest in the game has gradually started to decline as well. I have been having fun with those same friends in a couple of different games. I have only really been playing CF during events and on the weekends for more of those tasty crates and EP. As of writing, I still have so much stuff on the account that I only wish I could give away after I am gone. I have over 12M GP, 50K ZP, 600k EP, and a bunch of crates that I didn’t open. I still do want to do a giveaway with the last bit of ZP that I had saved. I loaded up my Openbucks wallet to pay for my ZP every month, so I still have some residual money in there that I can’t do anything with. I didn’t load any additional funds, and I am not trying to bribe anyone here. I genuinely just don’t want it to go to waste. I kind of want to run the Kahoot quiz I made for my own clan again but open to the community so that we can have one last good time together. Let me know if something like this can be organized.
      4. I’ll try not to discuss what happened recently too much here, as that is not exactly the main focus. This thread is just meant to be me publicly sharing my own experience as a long-time player, and if you would like to know more about what happened, please refer to the other thread linked below.
    5. Closing words
      1. If you have read through my entire story, I cannot express my gratitude. All I ever wanted was to be a part of this community, and the people who have responded to my post and shared their valuable opinions have my utmost respect. Thank you for everything that this game has given me. I truly believe that Crossfire has changed my life, and without it I would not be the person that I am today. To the people who I have spoken to, thank you so much for your support and kind words. People like you are the reason that I played this game for so long. I only wish that we could have met under different circumstances, and it is so sad to be leaving in the way that I am. I am truly sorry for everything that has happened. I tried to be as civil and transparent as I could throughout everything I did. Ultimately, I crossed the line one too many times and it resulted in me getting deservedly kicked from the server. I honestly still don’t know how else I could have handled this situation, as I was in an extremely bad state of mind and it felt like I was being ignored. I hope you can understand why I reacted the way that I did, and I know that it does not excuse it. I apologize to all of those who I messaged about this situation, as I never meant to pressure anyone into taking part in this. I strictly wanted to improve visibility on the situation. I did not mean for people to get hurt from this, and I don’t want to see other people risking themselves for me going forward. I don’t care about my account at this point. I have accepted the fact that I will remain banned. I will not be continuing to play this game anymore, and I am finally moving on like so many others have told me to do even though it pains me an indescribable amount to say so. I simply would like to ask for transparency from the GMs going forward. I am not afraid to admit that I very well could have been wrong about what I was banned for, and that is simply a testament to how much the system is flawed. If I have truly misrepresented the situation or accused any GM of doing something they didn’t do, I cannot express how sorry I am. As of writing this, I genuinely believe that I have not done anything against ToS to warrant a permanent ban like this. I made my entire case around the information that I was given from the GMs themselves. Suddenly after days of silence, I was officially informed via my previous thread that the ban wasn’t just related to the Gatling incident. Why did they not just say that the first place? The initial ticket itself listed the reason for my ban as Macro/Third Party Program, so of course I would correlate what happened to me to the reason they gave me for my ban. If it’s possible, I would like to privately see exactly what I actually got banned for through the ticket system. I put in another ticket as of Wednesday with this same inquiry, and I have received another extremely canned and vague answer that I have “Violated their Terms of service and Game Policies” and that they “will not respond to any further requests regarding the same issue”. I am not being provided any further information on what this other thing I am being accused of is, and I have nowhere else to ask about it. Without providing any sort of proof for my ban, I could only make assumptions based on what little information they have told me and from my own perspective of the events that occurred. My emotions got the best of me, and I took things to the extreme. This entire situation could have been entirely avoided if I was simply provided proof of my violation of ToS in the support tickets I sent, and that is something that I hope will be addressed going forward. I understand that what I am asking for may not necessarily be possible due to any number of reasons, but please consider discussing this in the future as it is so important for maintaining a healthy player base. I think transparency about this sort of thing is a critical part of building trust between the community and the GMs. If it comes out that I’ve been a fraud this whole time, then I give my sincerest apologies to the entire community. I have not meant to deceive any of you in any way. I have previously stated that if there is concrete evidence of what I did, I would personally delete my account, and I still stand by that statement. I don’t think that what has happened to me, or will happen to me should affect the outcome of this discussion. There is a very clear path forward from here, and I think that it would benefit everyone if this sort of transparency from the GMs side was available to us. I have communicated with people who have said ban appeals do not work because people flood the system with false appeals. This could be entirely avoided in the future if the proof behind the provided ban reasons were supplied to those players. If anything I have said here makes any sense to you, please consider making a suggestion through the official channels about transparency from the GMs. That is all I can realistically ask for at this point.
        Please do not do anything that may result in your account(s) being restricted whether that be through Discord, the forums, or in-game. I wish you all the best in the future, and thank you all again for listening to what I had to say. I have always loved Crossfire, and I hope that my story has resonated with some of you. This is my final goodbye, but I will still try to respond to any inquiries in the comments. If there is anything that requires my attention and I have not responded, you can contact me directly through discord.
    I have never seen any transparency until today.When you submit a ticket, they usually copy paste And I think this incident happened because they were not very interested because of the epidemic. I said why they are not interested Because the account I have been a long time user of is just like the type we explained above.The reason is, in short, Jealousy.Because they give 2 types of responses, one of which is to take action on this account.2. We cannot tell you why you were blocked.If we say you would use it again And one of the readers now responds has used something for sure Look how much it contracted.He gave the most typical example of this as follows:Such user performs unboxing with a number of programs on the live broadcast on discord. Then when you say that it is said if you have proof Or again, or something else, the user becomes a giveaway on discord, and the event closes when 1 like.Or again, the user gets help from a number of bodies.When you say that, they'll take care of you by saying play a little away.We just wanted something small.As you have written above, transparency, neutrality, a number of underhanded different jobs, etc. I'm starting to understand a little though You'll never be too far ahead in life Don't be back, let them not make fun Be somewhere in the middle already, you go back and forth from time to time From virtual life Have a nice day going into real life Take care of yourselves .
  • dont also be surprised the game is so utterly missmanaged if the supposed admins can be so childish. this is honestly like 14 year old rust admin level of childish
  • leaving is a bad idea. take a break. vacation. then you want to play again with renewed vigor. if your want i can pick you up on CrossFire Russia server. CF Russia this is no Cf West.... write me in you has interest.
  • Hey everyone, thanks for the additional replies, I've been mostly keeping busy playing other games with my friends and trying to keep my mind off of what happened. I haven't been checking the forums a whole lot, but I assure you that I still think of what happened literally almost every day. I have tried to get in contact with Smilegate West, and have sent an email to their publicly available email address but have not received a response as of yet. (Sent on March 6th, 2021). Another friend of mine was banned about a month ago, and it is indescribably sad for me to see the "support" team continue to treat their players so poorly. I plan to make a separate forum post to simply attain more information regarding the unbanning of accounts. I am genuinely curious as to whether or not they've ever reverted a ban or not. I still cannot fathom why they are unable to provide evidence of the accusation. I still truly believe I did not do anything even remotely close to what they supposedly are accusing me of, and I think that only speaks volumes as to how the system is broken. Let me reiterate again, I will completely drop this subject and accept full responsibility for my actions if they simply provide proof that I did anything to warrant a first offence permanent ban. I will never in my life forget what has happened here or how I was treated. Imagine how you'd feel if you were falsely accused and were cut off of any form of support... I am still more than willing to speak with any of you if you would like to discuss anything or want evidence of anything I have said or that has happened. Please feel free to add me on discord: 0kiki0#8158.