Rank limit + Vote kick system

Hello CF community,

There are 2 suggestions that I would like to show you.

1. Rank limit
2. Vote kick system enabled
-Rank limit-

It probably has been discussed but I would like to bring a "rank limit" to avoid cheaters in rooms that have vote kick system turned off.

For example users who are above Master Sergeant 1st Grade [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"24","width":"21","src":"https:\/\/i.imgyukle.com\/2021\/02\/10\/LCV9ee.png"}[/IMG2]will have access to the rooms that have vote kick system off (such as FFA, Mutant modes and Zombie mode)

The rank was an example it could be tweaked same goes to other things.

Vote kick system enabled

Nowadays vote kick system is fine in all modes except for FFA, Mutant modes and Zombie modes.

My suggestion on this is a vote kick system being enabled for users who have reported many cheaters successfully.

How would it work?

For example:

20 Successfully reports = 1 vote kick enabled
40 Successfully reports = 2 vote kicks enabled
