
Top 3 guys in ranked do not have the Honorable soldier ribbon. N1 hhhhhh

Top 5 ZM ranked obv cheaters but no ban because small brains need 'proof'.
Last ZM ranked season top 100 all cheaters but not banned, as if we'd forget.

The game is so imbalanced, the competitive scene is utter trash. I really do not understand people who out of all the games in the world, play the most uncompetitive one. I've never seen bigger trash than this.

There are bugs, errors and lags everywhere. Modes not working. Hackers trolling people and crashing rooms.

1 full server out of 20.

GMs have fun chitchatting in Discord giving out prizes to people who text removed them and literally do nothing.

Two 10 year olds could run this game better than the current staff.

Borofesonals, hhhhhh


  • Kanadian had to delete my thread revealing them doing nothing about ZM S1 ranked cheaters to hide their embarrassment.
    Watch him delete this one too :)
  • Censoring verb 's*ck up*? Hahaha
    It's a normal phrasal verb with a meaning to win the approval of someone in authority. The fact that it has a word s*ck in it, doesn't mean it's bad. Would you censor somebody who wrote pornography? As if it's not a normal word, wow.

    Getting censored by a MOD who doesn't even speak proper english :)
  • CopyCat3 wrote: »
    Kanadian had to delete my thread revealing them doing nothing about ZM S1 ranked cheaters to hide their embarrassment.
    Watch him delete this one too :)

    This is concerning, I wonder what reason was given?
  • CopyCat3 wrote: »
    Kanadian had to delete my thread revealing them doing nothing about ZM S1 ranked cheaters to hide their embarrassment.
    Watch him delete this one too :)

    Hahaha, well that tells you everything you need to know about their attitudes towards transparency and something something about integrity .

  • CopyCat3 wrote: »
    Kanadian had to delete my thread revealing them doing nothing about ZM S1 ranked cheaters to hide their embarrassment.
    Watch him delete this one too :)

    zombie pro with honorable.... 1 of idk how much actually.

  • [QUOTE=[MOD]ShadowRo;n6943778]

    Cheat accusation not allowed on forum, therefore i presume that was the reason your topic was deleted, however you can submit a support ticket with your evidence sice those matters are private.[/QUOTE]

    Nobody was accused of cheating by name in my thread, and all the pictures showing scores had blurred out names just for this purpose so this excuse could not be used.
    Surely it wasn't because the topic that gained traction with the community and was showing z8 in bad light.
    I don't intend on arguing you over this as you'll just keep defending them as is your role, and in any case you're not responsible for this situation. The fault lies with the leadership.

    I just feel bad for people who bought multiple m4 obsidians to compete and are about to get defrauded 2nd ZM season in the row by those who have alternative means of obtaining top spots for the fraction of the price.
  • oggasywe22 wrote: »

    zombie pro with honorable.... 1 of idk how much actually.


    Fully legit player 100%, he's just minmaxing :p
  • TheShadowRo just proved my point, by deleting the meme of the nazi propaganda minister approving of the staffs methods (of trying to hide the truth, by simply deleting it). I guess I could have used another meme, maybe Mao, Stalin, S Hussein, Mussolini or some other people that is also fitting when talking about repressing the truth.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • [QUOTE=[MOD]ShadowRo;n6944039]Meme or not those images have a strong political references, other ppls are still suffering from their action even today, you are free to express your own ideeas or using whatever other images but not those contain politics or other forbidden references, please read the forum rules.

    And if you still consider my action to delete you nazi meme was not right, then please send your complain to a GM via forum message or support ticket. [/QUOTE]

    The image had nothing to do with that he was a Nazi. It had to do with, that he was one of the most well known liars in history and was famous for hiding or changing the truth. The meme was me commenting on the GM's using the same methods. E.g. "hiding the truth and silencing people who don't agree with them" "Gobbles would approve". I won't complain to the GM's, as they would agree with you and use the same answer "because he was a Nazi". But in truth, it had nothing to do with it, as i was commenting on the actions, not the politics. I didn't exactly post the meme, because I am a fan of Josef G or Nazis.

    So the question is should I get yelled at because I am pointing out how they acted or they because they acted like that.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • CopyCat3 wrote: »

    Nobody was accused of cheating by name in my thread, and all the pictures showing scores had blurred out names just for this purpose so this excuse could not be used.
    Surely it wasn't because the topic that gained traction with the community and was showing z8 in bad light.
    I don't intend on arguing you over this as you'll just keep defending them as is your role, and in any case you're not responsible for this situation. The fault lies with the leadership.

    I just feel bad for people who bought multiple m4 obsidians to compete and are about to get defrauded 2nd ZM season in the row by those who have alternative means of obtaining top spots for the fraction of the price.
