Zombie Week - Jan 18 to 24

[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"540","width":"960","src":"https:\/\/z8games.akamaized.net\/cfna\/web\/main\/Forum\/210114_cfwe_zombie_week_forum.jpg"}[/IMG2]Attention Mercenaries,

We are running low on C4 because someone suggested we had to test them before delivering to the battlefield.
At the beginning it looked like a good idea in terms of quality... But now we know testing bombs isn't a good idea.
While we prepare more C4 for you, we have decided to launch a challenge for all our Zombie Mode players!

During the week from January 18th to 24th, all you need to do is kill 5,000 of those nasty zombies in any Zombie Mode. That's it, easy right?

Grab your best M4-Laser or Shotgun, complete the kills, and claim the Zombie Week Ribbon if you haven't already! You will also receive the following rewards when completing the objective:
  • AK-47-Buster-Ice (30 days)
  • Dao-Royal (30 days)
  • 10 Dragon Buster Crates
We also have 3 Limited Contracts for your Mercenary Pass. Check them HERE.

Check your overall progress HERE.

*Brains* Don't let the Zombies *brains* take over the world! *brains*

NOTE: Please remember that games must be completed and Password Protected rooms will not count. For this event, the Ribbon will be delivered after you complete the requirements, but please remember it can take up to 24 hours.

See you at the battlefield,
-CrossFire Team

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