Elitevoid clan behave like kids?anyone else experienced the same?


Does any one else have played recently with players from clan "Elitevoid"?have you also experienced childish /troll behavior from this clan?!

We played yesterday with 2 players from this clan


2 players who are Staff in clan rank 4

Me and my friend aDraem were looking yesterday for frozen abyss rooms to complete daily 5 games,we join random room with these 2 guys ,the room started,we cleared the first sector in 10 minuets,then when we moved to second sector these 2 guys refused to summon the boss purposely for troll and tease on us by waste our time.A full game (4/4 sectors) should take 30 minuets for the most,and they were length the 2'nd sector for 52 minuets for waste our time simply for the sake of laugh at people for "losing their time" and "being mad".we told them like x1000 times to summon the boss after the 20'th minuets, and they were only giggling !

Like come on - high ranks and staffs from clan rank 4 acting like total airhead kids ! we are talking about CF players base after all,I wouldn't be surprised if then even take screens of us yelling on them to summon the damn animal,and report us for "yelling" and make us look like we were the bad users on this situation and not them while it clearly was them who act like idiotics and freak out randoms and waste randoms time without a reason.

Have anyone else played with this clan?or know their players?what do you think about them?
