Mambo searching for a clan.
Hello, Mambo here. Some of you might know me from CF EU. I am currently in search of a clan, since the clan Reflection has been disbanded. I am not quite active but I do play at least once-twice every month.
My profile:
My profile:
loller1207 wrote: »you are always welcome in the clan 'okay'.
Did join the Discord but no one said anything. I will pass on your offer due to that. Thanks for the offer though.
fdsaoifdsojf wrote: »Now I recall, it was you who started the post of winning items from event/free capsules.
Yup, I did research in the past of the winning rates of the Capsule Shop back in CF EU. Due to the rigged winning rate more than 50% (now more than 90% due to the merge) of my permanent weapons were for free. I am also the only owner as far as I know of the GOLF namecard. -
Did join the Discord but no one said anything. I will pass on your offer due to that. Thanks for the offer though.
Yup, I did research in the past of the winning rates of the Capsule Shop back in CF EU. Due to the rigged winning rate more than 50% (now more than 90% due to the merge) of my permanent weapons were for free. I am also the only owner as far as I know of the GOLF namecard.
Thank you for posting that it could be just the thing to give inspiration to someone who needs it! Keep up the great work!
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