Summary of suggestions for compensation

I mad an summary of the suggestions from the different post here in the forum and what I heard from players they want as compensation for the broken server.


1: I think the best suggestion and most importantl is to give a good black friday deal (a good or even two vip weapons or even a set (AK fury beast ws or m4 born beast 2) and maybe even more percent off (up to - 80 or more) then last year).

2.Some free weapon or a weapon for EP( with some EP given or/and a heavy reduce so the weapon can be affordet, not everyone has tons of EP left, because of weekend grinding or even optained with farmbots).
Or maybe let player chose a weapon from a weapon list (some nice AK or m4 skins and some weapons what maybe haven't been in cf na, someone asked for example for the tiger claws; I think the point here is to just give a few options so nobody is disappointed) and/or new vip skin for players who have already tons of weapons.

3: And maybe addional some crates, maybe even free create tickets to choose from the black market (about 10 per day we could not play).

What won't bring players back is just like a few creates or events where they may get something but with a low win chance and some exp plus or some lausy weapon everyone have or nobody want.

In addition you should think about an solution for the ranked matches (no point reduction and maybe higher point rate for rest of season) and some extra levels for the pass (some points for logging in or easy obtainable events or point duplication).

You probably won't make everyone happy but I think if you make combination of the points I have mentioned above most players will be happy and more important it will bring people back to cf
(and specially the black friday point will bring people to spend money after the sever disaster because a lot of people who I talked to are not willing at the moment to spend on black friday because of the bad server situation and I think such an good offer will probably change their mind).
