Suggestion for the compensation package

Hello there people,

As some players already suggested something about the compensation package I would like to present my idea of the package.

Firstly, I would like to see a certain amount of free crate tickets, maybe something between like 30-40 , since we also didn‘t have so many crate events the last months too.

What I also would like to see are the Tiger‘s Paws permanently and a skinned rifle to choose from the players:
  • AK-47
  • M4A1
  • Barrett-M82A1
  • AK-12
  • QBZ-03
  • AWM

(or maybe another not listed one if there‘s any you can also comment it)

Second would be the choice for the Black Friday event special, I know, it‘s still 15 days to go but it would be better if the community can decide (from a list the GMs made) what weapon they want to have as a bonus.

Many people bought their ZP already so it would be a fair compensation for them in my opinion.

Additionally a higher recharge bonus on BF, unlike the previous year with 25% (?) maybe 40% or 50% too.



  • I agree with you ^^

    I'd do anything to get the Cat/Tiger Paws permanent. They are too cute to just have it as a temporary reward. They also help a ton in parkour games, as even in Balance and Giza I can jump into impossible places.

    As for other weapons, at this point I don't mind anything else as a reward, so I also agree with any of the weapons you suggested.
  • The Tiger Paws are indeed cool. I also heard a lot of players wanting the Doo Royal to be a permanent reward, but considering it's currently in the Premium Mercenary Pass that might not be possible. Instead, the Silver version could be chosen, considering this one still has the same perks.

    Being able to choose any skin on the weapons might be a bit over the top, maybe a selection on each would be better (of course excluding any Noble, Scorched or Prime).

    Big +1 on the poll and % for Black Friday and anything else you suggested.
  • Free ticket is risky suggestion which will make some anger and happy.


    We both suggested the choosing a weapon with its skinned just once. I agree with this.

    I don't agree with Black Friday. There are people who can't afford ZP and this MUST NOT BE HAPPENED. This only aims for some people and it must aim the whole who experienced the server issue.
  • I WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO AS A RUNNER UP SUGGESTION SINCE IT'S IN THE SOUTH SIDE CLIENT OF CFNA OR ( I'm in no way affiliated with site nor i;m endorsed by it I posted just for reference).
  • Alduinn wrote: »
    Free ticket is risky suggestion which will make some anger and happy.


    We both suggested the choosing a weapon with its skinned just once. I agree with this.

    I don't agree with Black Friday. There are people who can't afford ZP and this MUST NOT BE HAPPENED.

    Why does it matter if they are rare Lmfao, its an ugly melee skin and should of been an mp items imo. Nothing in this game should be rare.
  • Utmost wrote: »
    The Tiger Paws are indeed cool. I also heard a lot of players wanting the Doo Royal to be a permanent reward, but considering it's currently in the Premium Mercenary Pass that might not be possible. Instead, the Silver version could be chosen, considering this one still has the same perks.

    Being able to choose any skin on the weapons might be a bit over the top, maybe a selection on each would be better (of course excluding any Noble, Scorched or Prime).

    Big +1 on the poll and % for Black Friday and anything else you suggested.

    I wouldn't want them to change the main weapon for black friday, rumor is it's going to be a VIP like last year of everyone's favorite gun.
  • skyyblu wrote: »

    I wouldn't want them to change the main weapon for black friday, rumor is it's going to be a VIP like last year of everyone's favorite gun.

    No, please no. The Black Friday Tier rewards are probably MUCH better. Tiger Paws and Doo Silver should be compensation rewards given instantly to everyone once the servers are fixed.
  • Hello there people,

    As some players already suggested something about the compensation package I would like to present my idea of the package.
    And you can always get a quick 500 dollar loan at

    Firstly, I would like to see a certain amount of free crate tickets, maybe something between like 30-40 , since we also didn‘t have so many crate events the last months too.

    What I also would like to see are the Tiger‘s Paws permanently and a skinned rifle to choose from the players:
    • AK-47
    • M4A1
    • Barrett-M82A1
    • AK-12
    • QBZ-03
    • AWM

    (or maybe another not listed one if there‘s any you can also comment it)

    Second would be the choice for the Black Friday event special, I know, it‘s still 15 days to go but it would be better if the community can decide (from a list the GMs made) what weapon they want to have as a bonus.

    Many people bought their ZP already so it would be a fair compensation for them in my opinion.

    Additionally a higher recharge bonus on BF, unlike the previous year with 25% (?) maybe 40% or 50% too.


    Couldn't agree with you more
    but unfortunately, I do not thin these compensations are gong to arrive anytime soon